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New Year's Blog (February 2024) 'The Lion, the Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color' 

(Lexington baby! ... though she's making me work for it) ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

We are gonna follow most of human society’s lead & do this backwards for now (for 

the previous earlier Chapters, like Part I, scan below:)


**Happy Valentine's day Niall & Dad; The two men I live, breath & die for; whose presence I will never fully stop missing in this physical place. & Happy Valentines Day Momma Earth & Sun God Dad who is smiling right now, and to all your zero sister Mommas (& Fathers) walking upon you. (Niall’s mom zero btw … I hope the why of all of this is beginning to make sense & seem possibly worthwhile, because I’ve always carried your broken heart). Maybe some of these man children will start to be a little more respectful of our kind and our family now … here's to hoping. And Happy Valentines Day Children of the Earth in and fighting for the light. Your true parents love you soooooo much:)🌹💔 ***



THE DETAILS OF THE ENERGETIC FORMS THE DARKNESS HAS TAKEN(and taken over) to silently kill us with kindness and ultimately win this fight to enslave and extinguish the light


One Clear Example in the Physical of Just How Hiddenly Bad Things REALLY ARE … the downfall of that old Uncle we all love so much that none of us really want to believe it


I've got some bad news for you guys today. (Just remember it is encased in a heart of love delivered on this day of hearts.) Your government as it stands right now is the ultimate wolf in sheep's clothing. As a matter of fact, the US government has collected so much dark power, a better analogy would be a mindless fish eating (what's one of the symbols for Jesus and Christianity?) Shark.

The reason I'm not running out to find an attorney right now (& selling everything I own to pay for it) for my upcoming court date is because whether the bulk of us know it or not, we are terrifyingly close to already living in a communist country. The justice system is in many ways a farce designed to make us all feel better. The bulk of the attorneys are bought and paid for, hired by our government to do its bidding (& almost ALL of the judges.)


These class action lawsuits giving money to soldiers for the trauma they have undergone that can never be paid for?, is agreed to & supported prior to the actual suit by the government so it APPEARS the system is a free fight for balanced justice, & actually legal.

All the free money they are supposedly throwing at us right now? (When what they are truly freely throwing your money at is the corporate advertisers). It’s the beginning of socialism … which if we are not careful will become communism disguised as democracy, which is practically dead already. And by the way … they are not giving nearly as much money away as they are advertising non stop, it is not going to be that easy, & they are going to use the carrot to torture most of us (& to flaunt their wealth); especially those who are a threat to them.


If they were doing their jobs & protecting the people from the wolves so they could make plenty of money on their own we wouldn't need government assistance. They want you dependent & sucking on that tit. They want you dis-empowered. Cause 99.99% of US politicians (& those controlling them) are ego controlled mindless sharks. They eat wolves for a snack … and they sustain on killing fish. (And btw, I’m not saying don’t take the money if you can get it. I’ve been on government assistance. If it saves you right now, that is the LEAST they owe us oppressed underdogs. I’m just saying if you can in any way possible avoid it, do it. Look up … he’ll tell you what to do.)


Uncle Sam has gone dark. & to set this family member straight again is going to take some serious unified lion style acrobatic feats of the miraculous. Cause even a pride of lions with all its cubs joining in on the fight are going to find one great white shark named JAWS to present quite a battle, when you are a land creature of the light swimming & living in its deep dark shark infested and controlled waters.


(& I know they are freaking out guys. I know Washington DC is on FIRE right now, & has been as this has been manifesting into the physical.) The ultimate in the ‘ego-angel of light-wolf’ pulling the wool over the sheep's eyes.  They've known about me & George Morris & Revelations chapter 12 & the different colored horses of the Book of Revelations for years. Yep … all those prophesies fulfilled I've been talking about … my life lived and made real.

They hoped it was just a bad dream that would disappear … and have been working pretty hard at helping Satan egos mission of just making me go away (the way those in conspiracy with them did Niall). They sure as hell weren't going to tell you about me & this … & witness to it. Only true human's of God, fearless warriors, are going to stand up & do that in this day and age and time. They don't want to give that power to God. They are gods in their own right … as far as they are concerned. Dark Gods … as is any man in power not at the very least acknowledging and appreciating his true creator.


So HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? How did that warrior woman Statue of Liberty lighting the torch & calling the brave & hopeful to her shores get beaten down & turned into a lie by which to deceive the masses?


Well to begin with, the men forgot the power of Joan of Arc. (Yes France, thumbs up. As annoying as your snobby arrogance is sometimes, though I think England may have you beat on that front, this land of the freeish country would not be here without you & your age old rivalry with England inspired support.) Those ties are older & run deeper than you know.


The men forgot what true nurturing leading to self empowerment is; they forgot that they were the protectors (forcing that kind, innocent energy to become a ‘fiercer than them’ battle hardened warrior); & trampled upon & climbed over all things female.


Including the ultimate nurturer, our mother the earth. The spirit of zero female in all her natural beauty, encased in one big beautiful round blue ball floating through the heavens. The ultimate high level zero female making herself low to be tread upon by men. & you wonder why Dad likes using his rod of lightning controlling the weather to wipe them & all they care about off the planet every once in a while? His soul mate in physical form, who those in their dark power seem to enjoy tormenting on a daily basis.


That's more than a small part of the physical reason for the entire situation we find ourselves in right now. & The reason masses of men (& women) seeking God are or will shortly be for the first time EVER IN ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY reading the words of a divinely inspired and appointed WOMAN of God.


There is no Book of Joan … only of John. Well, Dad & his most accomplished and supportive first born son thought it was about time to put a new message of justice and equality for all forward, and to change that sexist reality.


Now let's talk about the more hidden energetic & spiritual reasons.


What is really going on (that only those with spiritual sight practiced and ordained by the father can see?)


In the energetic realm three is a power number (a cohesion and alignment of force particularly difficult to break.) Hence the father, the son and the holy ghost.


Our enemies have also aligned in a threesome. First, let me just say this is probably the single most difficult subject I have ever attempted to teach. I know it in my bones and my soul, but it is very hard to explain the energetic in physical terms. I will do my best but understand, I like all of you, am ultimately only human and limited by my faculties, even when used as a tool by source.


I am going to describe this as if it is factual, because I am working to inspire confidence and faith in the Lord Our Creator who sent me. But you may come to see the same energy in a different manner that works to describe it best for you. This however is how I see it (in a manner I can wrap my mind around.)


The first of the three major types of darkness in physical form we are fighting is out of control Human Ego (which I often just call dark ego or ego.) If you read my past blogs you will discover there is good ego (I see it as blue ego) and bad ego (which I see as a dark shadow).


The fear we have all felt in this repeated physical life (as a result of the necessity of living on a planet that is dictated by the rule of survival of the fitness) has caused us to create thoughts of less than the light (love, kindness, generosity, the rule of abundance and universal nurturing, etc). Thoughts like God doesn’t love me, or there is no God, or God is not good because look at what he allows to happen to the world?  At some point after long suffering and confusion we all go dark in our head.


We all, in the beginning especially, find true joy and love. But as soon as we become aware, we are immersed in the internal fight of dark verses light. No matter how bad things are or how good things are in our life, we are ALL exposed to both aspects of life on planet earth. Spirit makes sure of it. And we all find ourselves leaning in one direction or the other.


On a sunny, warm day when have the time and the abundance of resources to feel secure and the luxury of relaxing, its easy to bask in and understand and know the light.


When it’s cold and miserable out, and you have to do things like trudge around in the mud and take care of a bunch of farm animals seven days a week 365 days a year for years on end, it can get a little harder to feel and bask in the light (or to even believe its still there). Throw in a few hard core heartbreaks (most of us have gone through); a breakup, a death or 2 or 20, a broken bone or broken back or horrendous infection that eats you away from the inside out; no money to feed or care for yourself and that which you have brought into this world and created, and life can become down right cruel and torturous.


This is when you really find out what you are made of, and what those around you are made of. The light or the dark.


If you are willing to do whatever it takes to feel comfortable, climb over or murder (in thought or deed) your innocent fellow life (even if its to care for your own created life), and could care less what the real consequences are, only what the apparent consequences are, you are seeking and living in the dark.


We are living in a society that is designed to bring us to this place. Because as I have said above, it is dark ego controlled. What does that mean exactly?


Those dark thoughts we have and keep repeating to ourselves, they open the door to a force that has been created over the ages by mankind. You become open to the suggestion of it. And it has grown larger over time, because it collects our thoughts. It feeds off of our dark thoughts. It becomes our dark thoughts. We have created an energetic dark entity that is the culmination of all of human fear and ultimately its lack of faith in the good plans our creator has for us.


We have given it life out of the darkness, energetic form, and it has intention. It is made of darkness, and therefore by it’s very unemotional original nature it simply seeks to surround, overtake and consume us. Because we are afraid it is powerful. We created a powerful entity to protect us from God (the one we don’t trust) and to empower us to almost becomes Gods ourselves, that can overcome him.


I see this entity as a large gorilla, with its seat of power in the physical in China. It beats its chest and clamors for war and many feel they would rather be with it than against it. It also has tentacles, that reach out from the center of the essence of that which it is (a deceitful tyrant) into the backs of the minds of humans.


If a human is consistently dark enough in their thoughts and not seeking for a reason to love (or even when they are) they are particularly vulnerable to it’s invasion. It is that voice in your head pretending to be you. It is the thoughts that intellectualize and make sense, but that ultimately are not guided by source and thus are simply wrong.

It is our mind that gets us in trouble with ego. And when that ape takes over, we start banging our chest, seeking to stomp the light and life (even with words sometimes) out of anything bright that gets too close. Ego-ape's attitude is, if spirit will not submit and allow itself to be controlled, it needs to be eradicated on some level. In other words, if you are in heart and mind the spirit led, you are enemy number one.


But to have the kind of power this entity has over our world right now, it needs co conspirators that can feed it more than just dark thoughts. Ultimate power is the light of creation. And even a dark soul is lighter and thus more nutritious to it than that soul’s ego thoughts.


When the ape got big enough to begin influencing groups of humans, it became very attractive to those souls that seek power before everything else … even over life itself. They do not like the necessary to lights survival spiritual hierarchy.


They know like the father and source, on some level they are both number whatever AND source, equal with all of life of the light.


So, like us having dark thoughts somewhere inside our mind, somewhere inside these souls they seek power over zero. With time they have grown disdainful of and irritated with their creator, and that ape’s got a lot of power. He could legitimately actually overthrow the father right off of that heavenly thrown.


And so every once in a while, one of the 500ish finds themselves drawn to the dark in a larger portion than that part of them that is still light. The lower portion of almost all of our cups has darkness. Those soul pieces sorting through trauma and working through emotional pain. If they go too dark, they are regularly shed by spirit, like taking off and throwing away an old pair of shoes. The sacrifice of the less keep the larger whole healthy (what did Spock say about the needs of the many?)


No only does that happen in the cup, it happens in our larger collective soul family. It is SOS when a higher collective soul begins to go dark. Drawn to human ego and that ape’s power, it turns from God. In almost every life, when it falls asleep to wake up to the physical, it makes the same dark choices repeatedly. Murdering and harming innocence in defiance of God, and working to overtake him and ultimately all of life ruled by the light. Because a dimmer world is one more easily managed by this force.


When a collective soul goes dark, the bulk of the upper half million soul drops that are not allowed to take human form (they are either angels or high level animals) are thrown out of the fully controlled by the light spiritual realm (heaven). Because they become that which they have focused on. They are angels who have allowed themselves through humanity to be drawn to the dark and thus have become demons.


Demons are literally fallen angels. And they literally reside in a darker heavier realm ruled by them (what most would call hell.) Somewhere in between these two realms, intermingling here on planet earth with the physical, the two entities meet and do battle. The demons fight for and are controlled by their soul number (because they are an extension of it) and the ape, and the angels fight for their respective physical souls and the leader of their army and ultimately for the light and all of life as we know it.


There is only so much information I am privy to (that which is required to teach you I suspect). I know of two higher souls that have fallen. The first was number 16. The male aspect of that soul was what we have come to know as Hitler. And the female aspect was his wife. The bulk of both of those souls, 99%, have been swallowed up by the dark and are gone (or deleted as I sometimes like to say when I am particularly annoyed with the dark). We good guys work through the ages to save these beings. Giving them life after life and chance after chance, but eventually we are forced to cut our losses. The one percent that survived has been absorbed by (and become a part of) another admiring and loving soul or has been sent to the back of the line to start over as a very young and small (ie weak) vulnerable entity that will likely do no harm for a good long while.


These souls always have generals they are working on pulling towards the dark. One of number sixteen’s proteges was number 27. Number 27 has now become the new Satan. It’s a bit like the Princess Bride movie and the pirate Roberts … who is going to be the next bad guy?


Number 27 female is more dark than she is light. She is currently the siren calling in the men and women and leading them to their destruction. Number 27 male is about half dark and half light. His ultimate fate still hasn’t been decided. But he spends a large portion of his lives doing great harm to God’s creation, following his soul woman’s more manipulative lead. He’s the one murdering and raping and child molesting and running over innocence to become ridiculously wealthy … and she is the one quietly inspiring him to do it.


They work in coherence with the ape. Number 27 man at his most evil lowest yet most powerful level is the secret animal trainer behind the ape, cracking the whip and bending that being to his will as he shows off to his woman. The number 27 woman is partially in love with the ape, admiring all he has accomplished on planet earth and thinking he is the answer to all her irritations with zero thru five (and even her own number 27 sometimes), particularly zero and one.  Anyone ever see the movie King Kong?  It is an ode to this relationship.  Isn't she sweet and innocent and beautiful?  Why would anyone ever want to hurt these two full on dangerous evil psychopaths?  Yeah whatever.  Get to know em for real a little.  Then lets talk.


She feels she is beautiful and spectacular in her own way (and she can prove it) and she does not want to wait her turn to work up the line and become a creator of her own world, equal with her current partner. She would rather steal number one’s partner, bend him to her will, and take as many souls as possible with both of them. The higher the number trapped (sometimes via marriage and kids) or tormented or murdered, the bigger the catch for a bad guy.


Because that ape wants to be fed. And each soul of light that goes dark becomes food for him and ads to his power. So she and he and her number 27 partner (when willing) sit on throne’s (they’ve mostly stolen) as successful Kings and Queens and Angel’s of Light and reels them in.


We are literally fighting for souls. When the light focuses on and falls in love with their creators again, they energetically go to them, and are then caught up and contained and kept safe. And when they go to the dark to be consumed, they are lost. If enough souls in this realm go to the dark to be consumed, if the light becomes the minority, then we become an enslaved realm to the dark. And eventually we become a realm fully consumed by the dark … and just gone.


Number 27 female especially (but also male) are souls I know intimately. The number ones, especially Jesus and his one drop exact female soulmate (guess who that is?), basically stand in front of the number 27s, who have their sites set on ending zero and replacing them via the dark, and wave their hand and arms up and down to get their attention. You want something to torment and torture and eat?


Look over here. We are throwing tomatoes at that ape and are peasants ripping crowns off of and making fun of that new wanna be king and queen until we have them thoroughly focused on us. Because the ones ultimately work (along with working to save all of lower innocent life) to protect the zero. The same way the twos protect the ones. Because if zero goes dark, it is instantaneously GAME OVER. No need to worry about ending any other life.


I have been intimately surrounded by number 27 women my entire life. A huge part of me LOVES this soul and seeks to save her. I have succeeded in saving some of her (hopefully more than the last number 16). But after many many lifetimes of being tortured by her and watching her manipulate and inspire the murder of my soul mate (and a few others), that guy who is just the best; that a huge portion of you happen to be rightfully in agape love with too; I’m just about over it.


I’m so over it, I’m almost ornerier than Dad at this point (when in a bad mood). I’m ready to burn it all down (including my own physical self) if we can’t stop this scenario.


Because it so simply WRONG, and how do you guys NOT SEE THAT AND KEEP COLLECTIVELY LETTING IT HAPPEN?!




and a Little More Intimate Conversation About the Signs of Who They Are (because they are well hidden in plain site) and What They Happen to be Specifically Doing to All of Us (which I suspect will be an ongoing conversation)



Because the proof of the natural duality of all of existence and the necessary ongoing fight for life’s survival (with period of hard earned peace) surround every one of us …


The 101 of Energetic and/or Spiritual warfare … Evil is real


As I’ve said before (here comes the repeat button) each and every one of us is a creator. We create first with our thoughts. No only do we create buildings and vehicles and computers and the internet and camera’s and instruments and artistic industries, we create LIFE with our thoughts. Ester Hicks and Abraham said it best when she-they stated, ‘once you create a thought, it goes out into the universe and then has the ability to think itself.’ That is called awareness and intention and it is the beginning of all of sentient biological physical life.


Any of us who have dabbled even lightly in religion or current new age philosophy, understand (or are seeking to) LOVE is the crux of the good ‘life in the light’ we have all experienced if even for a second, here on planet earth.


Unfortunately, the new age mystic community has had a bit of a ‘head in the sand’ tactic in dealing with the duality of existence. There is a very good and legitimate reason for this. We create what we focus on. If we ultimately focus on love and the light and connection, and can live predominantly in the natural joy that results from both, we will create more of it. And this is what best energetically pushes back and holds the void at bay.


However, the evil that is very real (especially for those of us who have met and come to know it well intimately) and rests in the dark, seeking all of life’s destruction, uses this naive innocence to pull the ultimate ‘wool over our eyes’ … perpetuating the concept that it simply does not exist. This is a particularly easy concept to push in our recent more evolved and technological age. As the criminal punishment for the harming and murdering of innocence has become a standard in civil society, blatant evil has had to withdraw even more into the physical shadows (a home it is most comfortable with) and has become more sophisticated in its seeking of the fulfillment of its desire to consume and overtake life.


The foothold the original creator’s had to give the darkness in the physical realm


As I’ve said, the physical realm mirrors the energetic realm. Our creator’s first task in ensuring the safety and perpetuation of life was to create an energetic safe space for the light. At it’s highest most elevated level, this realm is what many of us would call heaven. As some of our greatest minds have scientifically discovered when peering into the true ‘stuff’ physical time and space is built upon, there are multiple dimensions or universes or what one might call realms.


I’m not going to get into quantum or theoretical physics here, because a large bulk of God’s true wanting to believe vital army right now may feel left out of that conversation. And they are ultimately the reason for it … and thus need to be kept right at the center of it. But Hollywood HAS been helping the population to open their minds to the unending possibilities of the universe at large, and we need that foundation to have this deeper much needed conversation.


So the God-the light- created an infinitely large safe space and realm for itself and all of life. And began the energetic creation and building of a peaceful light controlled space. A place for the free seeking energy of source to flow unencumbered. But without the physical world, without a direct experience of the duality of TRUE EXISTENCE, this space with an eternity unfolding before it and no real purpose or direction was losing its desire to continue on, and thus losing the fight for the light against the void surrounding it.

The creation of the physical realm was the answer to this problem. A place where life could create and evolve and battle with the dark, find it’s truest desire, ultimately become that which it seeks, and then retreat to the energetic light to rest and lovingly connect and to and be safe. Because there is no understanding of what heat is, without experiencing the cold. Nothing will make you appreciate the sun more than a long cold winter or a week of cold rain. Duality is ultimately the truth of existence, and only after experiencing it through living it, can we learn to desire the aspect of the universe we seek, and to appreciate the good we have found and created.


Evolution is the truth … but so is the BIBLE


What you have to understand about the bible is (and remember this book is giving the writer you are currently reading the license to be potentially respected and read by a large portion of the world) it was written for a time and a people that existed 2000 years ago. You do not read the same books to your five year old that you read to your 14 year old (if you can get them to sit down with you at all as teenagers:)


A fifth grade level of education and receiving a high level PhD are two completely different sets of instruction. The Bible has done an incredible job of giving us the basics, surviving and continuing to inspire and guide through the ages (particularly the New Testament and the Book of Revelations in recent times). The voice and words of your original creators speaking through and as men resound and uplift our hearts and souls when we are truly open and seeking and coming to the truth like little children. But for some intellectuals who have obtained or are working on PhDs of whatever (other than the study of much of Christianity) … it can feel and sound a little too much like a fairy tale story written for 10 year olds.


I’ve been on both ends of the stick. I’ve believed (or at least tried to) every word was the exact testament and statement of GOD HIMSELF (tho Paul’s dislike of women speaking in church has never gone over very well with me:). And I’ve come to the conclusion that much of the religion it sparked has given too many big egos and bad guys the power to control individuals and the masses; curbing free will and spirit’s natural desire to often do and learn from whatever it wants, in spite of all of human civil societies dictates of the normal and respectable.


But, everything happens for a reason. When I was 19 years old, and had returned to my high school home in Massachusetts, seeking the stability and connection of the only real home I had ever known through my Army childhood of changing schools every year until I was 13 years old, I ended up living with a family led by Mike and Evvy Fischer in Groton (and I may have those names wrong as it’s been a long time with zero connection to that experience other than my memories.) They were hard core evangelical Christians. Mike was an educated computer science professional, and he specialized on the side in the study of the book of Revelations. He was so convinced that we were in the end times, that he didn’t feel it was necessary to save money for his young children’s college education.


Mike immersed me, through multiple volumes of books and hours and hours of heated conversation, in the concept that this biblical Book of Revelations (and Daniel and others in the Old Testament) was in fact predicting and prophesying the future. One we were currently living in. I took it all in over those six mind bending months, and when I moved back to Colorado to continue on with my college education, for the most part I sort of forgot about it.


The bulk of the message he was delivering was not a pretty one. Hanging out with mostly like minded but education seeking well off hippies in an awesome fun location; studying, camping, skiing, climbing and riding horses through the Colorado Rockies seemed like a much better use of my time and manner in which to get to know the ultimate creator.


However, occasionally, I couldn’t help but notice Mike seemed to actually have a pretty good line on some major world events as they were unfolding. But until there was an evil leader having survived a bullet to the head still walking around and a couple of preachers and/or witnesses ranting and then their bodies laying for days on end in the streets of Jerusalem, I wasn’t going to worry about it too much. He had definitely clued me in to a few less obvious signs; unlike a bunch of people suddenly levitating and or disappearing off the planet or Jesus floating down upon a white horse.


But you know, in the meantime life goes on and you have to figure out a way to negotiate it. And pushing farm animals around large piles of wood by the way is really fun (when it works out at least)! It kind of makes your time here on planet earth ruled by a less than spirit good guy controlled human society worth all the BS (if you can manage to survive it).


The point of this little dirge is this (and hey, don’t look at me, the holy spirit has a better vocabulary than I do, and it is a bit of a mournful song). I was right there as a teenager (biblically speaking) … I drifted all the way to the other end of the stick … and here I am right now standing after a lifetime of experience right in the middle somewhere.


The bible for the most part is God speaking through the mouth and pen of divinely holy spirit inspired men. However, the human ego with less than good intentions for it’s host, works hard at infiltrating our thoughts … particularly when we are putting ink to paper. It is also an expert at twisting truth in this new age. And then there is the simple fact that we were being taught as children (compared to our current evolutionary state). The 7 day world creation story is an analogy for evolution. The symbolism of this book is ongoing and never ending (and also as it turns out frighteningly accurate for the right here and now). It’s kept theological intellectuals fully engaged and entertained for 2000 years.


As so many have repeated, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Those he divinely inspires and calls to his work, particularly those ordained for major world altering events, find themselves surrounded by and immersed in mystery and symbolism. They are living on his whim. I have no idea whether I’ll be traveling the world, dining with Kings, and coaching the winning of gold medals among the elite in the upcoming months; or sitting locked up in the dingiest nastiest hole on civil planet earth you can imagine, with all my belongings scattered to the wind.


I suspect that’s the way he wants it, as the true outcome is not yet decided. I quickly came to know if I didn’t prioritize focusing on and writing this blog and all its parts immediately (until I get his thumbs up that it is done for the time around at least) my ponies and I weren’t going to be eating very well any time in the near future. And I suspect my direct future is deeply connected to the ongoing and upcoming state of the bulk of the folks reading this. So … here we are. Looking at a cross roads in the fate of humanities diverging timelines … and being given an opportunity to make both an educated AND a faith based decision.


Survival of the fitness (the ultimate in competitive sport) is not a fun concept to live with … but it is a necessary one


I’ve discovered Dad doesn’t really want cute furry little bunny rabbits as the main course for the coyotes every day. Or baby deer being slaughtered by lions as they feast and rip legs off of the innocence that is still moving as they devour it. He wasn’t too excited about the idea of brutally removing the entire planet of the gorgeous and spectacular dragons we call dinosaurs that ruled this world for eons. He LOVED those reptiles that were the epitome of his creation at that moment. But he needed to make way for something even more glorious. And he knew the co existence of these two rulers of the planet (or even the evolution of his next major creation) was not going to happen as things were.


He also knows it is VITALLY IMPORTANT to all of life, that those living in the physical plane on the planet we call earth UNDERSTAND in their literal bones there is something out there that will cruelly consume all of innocence without bias to feed itself and take over EVERYTHING within it’s path. And unless we become strong and able enough to withstand it via survival of the aware, the strong and the fit (both intellectually, emotionally, energetically and physically), we can and will likely be extinguished. The extinction of the dinosaurs, the intensity of those inspired to study and dig them up, is a warning to all of mankind.


As impossible as it may seem given the surroundings of some, life is currently losing


I am writing this to tell you unequivocally, right now in this solar system mankind is currently the biggest single threat and enemy number one to this entity. I am also here to tell you as things stand right now WE AND OUR CREATORS AND ALL OF LIGHT AND THUS GOOD LIFE ON THIS PLANET (AND THUS IN THE ENERGETIC REALM AS WELL) IS CURRENTLY LOSING THE FIGHT.


Our world has dimmed. The energetic world has dimmed and is being encroached upon. Its not just us in this realm feeling the pain of this fight. Our father is under constant attack. Our mother is under constant attack. A detrimental portion of our heavenly father is feeling unloved, unappreciated, and is quite tired and ornery.


Because as the bible has repeatedly worked to teach all of us, he IS a man in the sky Mike. You are simply wrong about that. The Rev being a great holy man through the ages, and mind, perhaps clouded by the very ego and virus he preaches against (as so many are in this confusing time). Or perhaps we’ve been set up as I suspect. Spirit created the whiley and tricky coyote as well … and I know for a fact that energy is a strategy employed by those in charge upon us when necessary (cause I can tell you horse trainers use it against the mentally weaker all the time:). Because as I’ve said in other places, its not just the ego that clouds the mind at times of great importance. Regardless, it doesn’t really matter. Following the lead of your number one, you, like so many of us, are here to teach by your own sacrifice.


The original creator is ALSO source, light energy, and all of life pulsing through the heavenly realm and the physical solar system. He is BOTH. The alpha and the omega. Unknowable in his fullness and complexity to the human mind. However, we are created in his likeness so that we have at least a shot at understanding him.


He is the universe, and he is a man. Come to this earth to play with his children. All of sentient moving life gets tired. All of sentient moving life can feel loved, and it can also feel abused and taken for granted. All of life can feel supported, and all of life can feel robbed and overtaken and consumed.


All of life that desires rest and peace can find it in a sunny meadow, and arise after a long rest to live again. And all of life that desires rest and peace can find it in a dark cave, to be consumed and disassembled by the darkness, never to emerge again in it’s current form … or anything even near it.


The enemy is running us ragged, stealing from us and enslaving us and murdering us so that we become so tired that we only desire peace at any and all costs. So that we are willing to stop fighting which will result in us never re emerging from our rest.


The wages of sin are death. The sin is seeking and loving the dark more than the light. And the death is both spiritual and physical. We are only eternal beings as long as we desire to continue to fight for life.


We are all born into sin. To step into a physical body on some level is to step into darkness (a heavier darker lower vibration than the spiritual realm). To come to this planet is to leave the safety of the spiritual realm ruled by source and to step into a physical world the darkness currently has great power over.


When we come here we fall asleep. So that our true intentions, that which we seek, will be known. Because we naturally become that which we ultimately seek. Those that repeatedly love and seek the dark will eventually, in spite of all of the sacrifice and efforts of source throughout the ages to save them, BECOME IT. And for life to continue as the light, at some point, that runaway infection that will kill all of us on every level, must be contained, culled and removed.


INTERMISSIONa couple of little quick and important sides I would like those of you reading this and taking it seriously to consider.


First, I’m going to take off my teaching hat and put on my coach Amy (real play by play advise as we go through this tough competitive and highly energetically shifting by the moment ride) hat …


As I took a short needed break (though Dad does want this info out asap) to take care of the ponies; one of my kindest long term most trusted and loving souls in the form of horse unexpectedly laid me out flat on the ground as I was turning him out. I’m talking seeing stars and just laying there looking at the sky as he took a tail straight up galloping tour around the farm; then headed for the bathroom to stuff Kleenex up my nose, spitting out blood as I brushed my teeth, hoof to the face (that could have easily killed me). I’m OK (nothings broken, just swollen), so no need to send the troops in, but as always there is a point to this little spirit inspired event. That’s right … battle comes in many forms.


Animals, along with being our own souls mirroring back to us clearly what is going on inside and around us, are energetic buffers. They absorb and eventually clear (if necessary) the energy of what is happening in any given physical location they are a part of. There are many messages my gelding (and Dad working through him) just gave me.


Here is the one I’m deeply inspired and motivated to give to YOU. There is powerful and potentially dangerous (though necessary) energy shifting around this message. For the high level energetic beings (and those close to them) you need to monitor closely how this knowledge is affecting you. If you are not ready to absorb it, if your good friend and creator spirit just kicked you so hard in the face that you need to stop for a moment to catch your breath and then take a trip to the bathroom to stop the bleeding, then do it.


Don’t go interacting with other poor lessor beings not ready to handle where you are at right now (ie resulting in an uncontrollable punch out of the energy surrounding you). They may throw you in a prison cell (or in a stall or on the automatic walker for 1 or 5 or 10 hours) until you calm down and get your head screwed back on strait. And you definitely are not going out with those mares (the familiar tribe my gelding is wanting to get to most right now). You are going to focus on me, the trainer, that bred you into existence and has a very definitive plan for you. So eyes up, head down guys. Remember not to bite the hand that feeds you. Stay alert to the state you are currently in, and take the time to calm the energy and re center, if that is what you need to do.


For those of you finding yourself terrified by the message I just put forward (one spirit has been in many ways protecting you from for a very long time) focus on the love. I know that sounds incredibly simple, but it is the answer right now. If there is no intimate or familiar human you trust, spend time in nature or with pets. The love of God and spirit comes in many forms. It’s not a coincidence that the movie Bob Marley: One Love is about to hit the theaters. This high level number one musician is the universal leader of agape love presented in song. Go see this film. Support Agape love. (Again, more thumbs up from the big guy … it’s powerful stuff and it will generate abundance in all of it’s forms.)


Secondly, I’m going to put on my General Amy, Joan of Arc yet still a shrewd new age business woman hat.


The darkness-ego-the void-Satan is working OVERTIME right now against this message and all who are onto it. Until I can explain in detail exactly how that is happening (which will be the next part but one I will probably not be able to get to today) it is working to keep the truth from you and to keep you in the dark regarding all of this. Like messing with website analytics. Do you really think I can publicly predict altering the skyline on collective command, but I don’t know WIX and crew? I know they’ve got a gun to your head. What are you going to do about it .com warriors?


The enemy works to gradually lull you to sleep with a soft bed and lots of mind numbing noise. Sorry, but Dad says yes. This is coming out. Don’t try to defy the creator of all of the universe. There are plenty of website hosts in the world. I own these words. I can put ‘em anywhere.


And Facebook, do not use this event to advertise … not without our direct permission and some regular royalty checks with more than just a few digits. We are shifting the economic scales to the good guys (and not just in California) and it is going to start right here as is fair upon this hill. While you have and can be a valued (though frankly no longer necessary) resource; cause I know you’ve been majorly messing with those likes and comments and friend requests forever; just remember you are the support staff, not the main event.


Salute. That’s the right answer. Dig deeper guys. If you aren’t shoveling a pile of horse poop for days and hours on end and getting to spit out blood as a thank you I don’t want to hear about it. Like I’ve said folks … HIDDEN ARMY. Dad’s ultimately giving you the thumbs up or this wouldn’t be public (cause we all know I don’t need that for you to read it.) You too youtube … good job. I actually have nothing to complain about regarding you right now. If we can keep Dad smiling and in a good mood, life is going to be easier on all of us (I hope.) Cause I’m here to tell you he is a little scary when he is ornery. I know the enemy well and EXACTLY what you are up against (probably better than most of you.) So just keep working on it soldiers … and remember this is the turtle mission.


Which brings me to another quick point. Inspiration and micro management. Every somewhat free in the light courageous enough to be a soldier for God human on the planet right now is vital to this mission. I-we do not micro manage from the physical realm. It is too big.


Connect spiritually. Use the name Jesus Christ to remove the darkness. It is not a fairy tale story. It all happened, right down to the immaculate conception. He has been given that power, as has his name, because he earned it. Over and over more than any of you know. Once you are sure you are coming from the right place and worshiping the right God (darkness disguised as an angel of light, remember that) act out of inspiration. You do not need my ongoing direction, particularly if you are a leader. Make the little and big decisions. If it is a mistake coming from the wrong source and important I will vibe onto it and let you know. This is the only way we beat them. Strategy that is bigger than us and comes from a higher realm. Strategy they can not read or even feel because it is instant and unexpected.


Finally, take it from me, its really hard to fight bad guys and stay uplifted (as I know many of you know.) Remember the scene in the original Guardians of the Galaxy, where Chris Pratt (#1 btw for those who it’s not obvious to by this point) is dancing to Come and Get Your Love (I hope I have this right guys, I’m tired and don’t have time to pull up the movie again) and taking out the little gremlins as he fights his way to get the treasure? Well, the treasure is love. The gremlins are the dark enemy in form; and casually dancing and enjoying the good music is a great way to ride out this mission (if you don’t come face to face with the giant gorilla and his clan and can swing it.) It’s a just an energetic vibe I want to focus on and put out there, because its a good one for us older slightly battle worn down warriors.




(and taken over) to silently kill us with kindness and ultimately win this fight to enslave and extinguish the light


(coming soon … and by now you all know why:)


Part 6


(the more complicated truth the people in mass are finally ready to begin to take in)


That's right … I'm changing Part 6.  Like all good cutting edge creation, this is a fluid work in progress.  As every able writer & teacher knows, the order of the information & ideas presented are vitally important.  So one must be flexible as in’spirited’ inspiration dictates.  


Remember how I said a while back in a previous blog if I gave everything away here, there would be nothing left to teach in the clinics Dad feels are vitally important to the next stage of his plan? 


 And btw, as I was feeding the ponies in the field tonight furthest & closest to a decent sized road, I noticed a bud light bottle on the ground just outside of the fence, the logo of which this past professional bartender did not recognize.  It was labeled NEXT (their new light brand I guess).  As I reached down to pick it up, a semi-truck came flying past with the giant red letters PERFORMANCE labeled on its entire huge side. 


 Guess what that means Grand Prix riders?  I love it when spirit delivers & physically randomly solidifies profound messages & convincing signs of which direction to now turn in.  And look at that … if you happen to get to be a part of it company CEOs & owners, God gives you the thumbs up & some free advertising, & you didn't have to spend a penny.  Apparently spirit isn’t frowning down upon all of corporate America (just the guys secretly running & puppeting our governments & selling it's people down the river so they can turn a ridiculous profit by those who haven't truly earned it).  But I digress.  


To say the Lord works in mysterious ways is as I've learned, the understatement of the ages.  Spirit is not an on-call fortune teller, miracle granter or encyclopedia for all questions any (even the holy & righteous) mind may ask.  Seek & ye shall find is ultimately true … but what they don't put in the fine print is it may take you 2000 years and about 50 lifetimes of seeking to get there.  And here is why.  


There are certain historical events, as it turns out, that are fairly pivotal & vital to mankind’s (& all of life’s really) ongoing success.  So, as one might imagine, these important messages & the resultant shifting of the energetic pendulum are carefully & thoroughly prepared for by spirit.  Key to the proper unfolding of this (well beyond any human mind’s) complex plan, is being certain of who God’s messenger is.  Because there is nothing our enemy loves more than showing up as an angel of light & running God's flock off of a cliff.  


If EVERYBODY was privy to the keys to the kingdom; in other words privy to truths that will transform how we see the world and our role in it, it would be mass chaos.  To tread & maintain on the careful narrow path of good life’s success, there must be ordained & accepted leaders.  And clear obvious signs that point to those God has chosen for this specific job at the appointed time.  One of the ways these messengers are established (other than prophecy fulfilled & miracles witnessed by the multitudes) is teaching at a level & in a manner that has never before been witnessed.  They literally uplift the world to a higher plane beginning with spirit led knowledge.  


So, even tho one may wear jeans & a baseball hat instead of robes, teach & preach from the middle of an arena rather than a church, & be the last person anyone might ever expect to take on the human world's darkness & wake God’s chosen up to the important mission they've been patiently waiting to fulfill; you might still find yourself thinking ‘Woa … how does she know that?’  & Why hasn't anyone else ever mentioned it before?  Because come to think of it, it makes a lot of sense, & I just have this feeling deep in my gut that it may all be true.  & It's a game changer.  


It's not necessarily because all of those top adorned in international medals and ribbons horse trainers, preachers & new age mystics & theologians & martyrs & spiritual leaders may not have been the general article, doing exactly as god, spirit & the universe had led them to do and say (with hopefully as little ego intervention as possible.)


It's because there can only be one catalyst, one trigger, that ultimately sparks the fire that will light the bomb of enlightenment this world is now at least partially ready for.  & Those of you seeking & open to the truth, need to know who it is that is commanding and speaking thru THE SHE that will push that button this time around.  


So there is information that has been withheld and reserved for this age, & the appointed messenger.  Once that knowledge is publicly brought forward and discovered, you spirit led men & women of the light who are truly tapped in & speaking & hearing clearly from the genuine source, will be granted the opportunity to confirm it's truth.  & you will come to understand the reason why you were not allowed to see it before this time.  The spiritual water that quenches the soul, these life affirming truths, are now here for EVERYONE.  


But be forewarned, every witness to this knowledge and event will be held individually accountable when you face your creator.  So before you stand up & scream blasphemer, remember who yelled those words at Jesus (as unlikely a world altering Messiah as any other human walking the planet at that time).  And how they are now regarded by history, in both the spiritual & the physical realm.  


All who hated & who continue to hate that God ordained first born son of the original creator & man (if & after they come to truly know him), are aligned with the dark.  And all who love him are aligned with the light from which their life ultimately sprang.  There is no coming to the father but through him.  There is no heaven on earth but through him.


Because he is the original catalyst.  He is the earned and ordained test by which the creator has chosen to determine WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU SEEK TO BECOME.  As Jesus himself said, you can not serve two masters.  There is no sitting on the fence.  You work for light & life, or you (even unknowingly) work to extinguish & destroy it. 


Now let me explain to those big egos out there who prefer to consider themselves ordained Gods (with or without the original creator's clear & obvious blessing) the WHY.  


The 527 ish big souls of whom we are all a part …


The spiritual realm & the physical realm, as I've said before, mirror each other.  As I'm trying to explain infinitely complex subjects in a manner in which we can actually now grasp, bear with me and realize this information is a summary of a state of being and order to the spiritual universe we will not truly ever understand until we meet it face to face.  But when you are under the strong Influence of the energy of the holy spirit; the truths you are shown are dependable & real & most importantly, will eventually positively influence your level of clarity & thus your ability to succeed in this situation we ultimately call living on planet earth in the here and now.  


When the father, zero, created life, he began with the creation of the spiritual.  Everything you see in the physical, was first created in the energetic realm.  Beginning with the soul state.  At this time, there are only 527 ish big souls.  Think of each big soul as being a cup of water (that is actually fluid contained energy).  There are 527 male souls, & 527 equal counterpart female souls (soul mates or brothers or sisters or however you prefer to think of it).  


Within each of these cups, is about 1 million drops of energy.  Your soul & your life represents approximately one drop of this energy.  You have a higher soul self of whom which you are intimately a part & a piece of, that is your direct collective spiritual self.  About half of these million souls come to the physical plane as humans.  One drop may live multiple lives at the same time, or it may not.  Spirit can divide & combine at any time as it sees fit.  It can shed parts of itself, & it can absorb parts of other souls.  


There is a spiritual hierarchy that is both respected & enforced within this realm.  Like the physical plane, there are rules by which life is organized & guided.  The original creator (& his female soul part) is zero, there is a first born son & daughter, a second born son & daughter, etc, all the way down to #527.  These #s are generally ordered by the age of each soul (tho not always, as drops & souls can move up & down the hierarchy).  Each soul is a creation … by the original & or its older soul parents. 


There is also such a thing as spiritual royalty.  These are the older family members who are considered original creators to the remaining 522.  They are numbered zero thru five.  The number 12, the twelve tribes of Jacob, represent this spiritual royalty.  0-5 (0-1-2-3-4-5) of male & 0-5 of female souls.  These are particularly powerful & influential energies & beings.  Jesus was and is a first born son.  He is what I call a #1 … a member of the #1 soul family.  He is the literal male right hand creator and protector to the father (the male zero).   


As there is a spiritual hierarchy that generally represents power and age … there is a hierarchy of enlightenment within each cup.  The souls floating at the top are the enlightened … literally more drawn to & of the light, & the souls ranging down towards and at the bottom of the cup are the murkier less evolved darker aspects and desires of each soul piece.  Those that tend to and may choose to be more drawn to the dark.  


The top half million drops of the cup do not come to the physical realm as humans.  Soul can enter and live life as any and all beings and any sex.  We tend to re-incarnate repeatedly, as it is the experience of physical life that pulls forward our ultimate spiritual desires, and thus ongoing evolving creation. The top half million drops come here as either high level animals (such as lions, dogs, cats, horses, elephants, camels, whales, dolphins, birds, etc) or remain as angelic or energetic protection that holds & molds the required energetic space of the spirit realm & those in the physical.  


This is why I consider many animals, including horses, to be enlightened beings.  Now I know this will confuse some of you.  How can a dog, that eats cat & horse poop, licks & smells butts, pees on everything, has random sex with human legs & couches, & runs away & gets run over by cars, be more enlightened than any human?  


Their SOUL is elevated.  The energy of that which animated them. They are still bound by the physical instincts (ie blue ego; read the past blogs) & rules of that particular species.  They have the brain power of that species, (& thus the lack of destructive human ego & darkness), that particular body’s physical tendencies & its desires, the evolved survival skills, etc.  


To SEE the truth and to not be deceived by the darkness, you must learn to distinguish between the SOUL and the PHYSICAL FORM it happens to present in.  


How this understanding and spiritual in sight changes the way you see the world … 


When I look at a person with spiritual eyes & I'm curious about who they may energetically be (or if the soul I SEE looks familiar to me) I ask spirit & I usually see an accurate number drawn in front of me in my mind's eye.  As I've learned to live with and get to know this knowledge, I've discovered common traits among various soul groups. 


It's like knowing a person … kind of.  Like if you met their hand only you might not recognize them, unless you really knew that hand because you were intimately familiar with that person's entire body.  We each have certain soul numbers we become extremely familiar with.  Our own higher self first obviously, our direct other sex soulmate obviously, but also various connections you've made over the ages.  


You’ll notice certain problems & emotional issues & connections being naturally made and worked out over and over with various versions of various numbers (even in their animal forms), & you will begin to recognize obvious patterns.  


Who is Jesus the Christ really? …


So Jesus was and is a male number one, & at the very tippy top of his particular cup.  But there are and have been literally hundreds and thousands of number ones living upon & wandering around this earth (& still are).  That specific #1 drop we call Jesus is not currently fully occupying a physical life as a human.  Unfortunately, even a number one male (a direct spiritual brother and soul member of Jesus Christ himself), particularly one located at the bottom of his cup, can be problematic for mankind.  


This is what is meant in the Bible when it says even the elite will fall in the end times.  The smaller & higher the soul number, the more naturally powerful & energetically influential it is.  But when that power goes dark (as those collective lower soul levels are evolving thru and processing things like the repeated unwarranted murder of the ultimate good and innocent first born creator) it's potentially ‘Danger Roy Rogers!’  


Jesus is and always was a Lion and a spiritual warrior (as at the moment he is the able leader of God’s angelic armies.) He was the ONE that simply raised his hand and answered the call, putting on the white robes and becoming the sacrificial lamb his father asked and required him to be (as the straying into the darkness sheep of the children of earth needed at the time, and have continued to need over the ages.) 


This Lion willingly became the Lamb out of a PROFOUND LOVE, as there is no greater love than the willingness to lay down one’s life for your brother. He has given everything he has created and become in this physical world repeatedly, allowing his always innocent and good life to be prematurely ripped to shreds and temporarily consumed by the darkness, in support of the goal of humanity's awakening and a softening of its heart. He does this for the preservation and salvation of all of life, in a gradually dimming, growing 'dark human' and void controlled, physical realm. 






Because the proof of the natural duality of all of existence and the necessary ongoing fight for life’s survival (with periods of hard earned peace) surround every one of us … 


Coming shortly … (cause those ponies don't stay fed & feeling well cared for, for very long:)


Part 2



This is a mostly quiet, slow moving spiritual revolution guys.  We live in a human ego-maniacal society that only approves of real God given empowerment (the kind that shifts the course of human history & re balances the economic scales towards favoring the righteous & innocent); that is 100% contained & well under its thumb.  And most with any real experience pushing buttons in this realm innately know it.  Which is in part why this has been & will continue to be a marathon race led by turtles (tho the hares will show up occasionally and make a surprise appearance … just to keep you awake.)


If you are picking up a large house, throwing it on a flatbed & heading down the highway, you better be driving slow.  There are some big energies being shifted on planet earth right now.  If we want to keep the aspect of that house called ‘human society & technology that is working well’ intact, this situation is going to be led by those thoroughly prepared & well versed at that specie's ego control.  Those with an ear to the ground listening & following the instructions of the zero star general coaching this mission every second they are in the show ring (regardless of who knows or accepts it, because at the end of the day, all we are really interested in is producing that blue & gold.)


As it turns out, finding ways to feed and house & move around the planet in large numbers (& train & intimately sit upon in acrobatic feats of amazement) 1000 plus pounds of willful, free loving, hard hoofed & teeth bearing animal flesh, prepares you to be a bit of an expert at managing & moving big energy through society.  And using big green as a commuter for working on a year now (a powerful but old, fragile & slightly used & abused international vehicle carrying our physical aspirations from point A to point B) doesn't hurt either.  (I guess Dad & John wanted to make sure most of the population wasn't running Ronin & I off the road anytime soon. It definitely puts me in a distinct disadvantage in any kind of a chase tho … like I said … turtles).


Are you guys starting to get this?  EVERYTHING, especially in this time & age, happens for a reason.  The symbolism, the parallels, the analogies surrounding this particular situation are PROFOUND AND VAST.  (I've been shown a glimpse & I haven't even BEGAN to wrap my mind around them.) We as a people will be analyzing & learning from them for decades, long after the living & experience of it is over.


Your father knows his human children well.  Nothing keeps their attention long term like a good intellectual, mind bending, heart wrenching murder mystery.  & Dad and his crew of angelic planners make Agatha Christie & Alfred Hitchcock look like amateur hour.  


 I know there are a bunch of you right now best case scenario balking and resisting to climbing on board for this particular ride (come on pony, there are carrots & apples in that trailer & a destination I can almost guarantee you are eventually going to like).  Worse case scenario there are enough dark intentions towards me (what's the saying, don't kill - or disappear or abuse the four legged kids of - the messenger?) that I'm thinking twice, checking in above, and energetically preparing before climbing into big green & rolling down off this hill (even to open the mailbox or buy a gallon of milk).


 So, I hesitate to say this (& especially to put it out there publicly), but with the power & ordainment of repeated biblical prophesy fulfilled & multiple public miracles displayed over a lifetime of every shape & size behind it; for this new day & age at least, it officially starts right HERE.  


So let's keep cracking those minds open & see if we can’t shed even more light (move back energetic ape … we are pulling the curtain on you & your kind; & your time of free roaming havoc wreaking is nearing an end.

 Don't worry, I'll explain:) …


THE DUALITY OF ALL OF THE UNIVERSE & THE NATURAL FIGHT FOR LIFE (if it is to continue in it’s present form)


My qualifications … 


Now, I hate to say this, because this information is already out there.  But being an instructor of horsemanship since I was about 15 years old (beginning with 4-H at the Fort Devons, Mass, Army Base, teaching at UW-Madison’s college program, a job in California straight out of college with about 40 students within a year; having millionaire company owners as students,  Ivy League graduated  PhD top academia leading professors, International statesmen (or at least the wives of them), working students & everything in between (including more recently an international world cup bronze medal winner) … and having been forced to become a bit of a professional salesman-marketer myself … I know a few things about teaching humanity when it comes to learning how to do something hard.


First & foremost, you to have explain why they want & or even may need this knowledge & skill.  As any top salesman knows, to sell a product (no matter how good or bad or true or false), first you must sell yourself.  And to effectively teach (once you have sold the need for the information or your valid qualifications to present it) it's important, especially with a new student or group of students, to be comfortable hitting the repeat button.  REPEATEDLY. 


So again, I have attained a hard earned Bachelor's of Science degree from a top engineering program (the University of Wisconsin-Madison).  While technically it was in the Agricultural Engineering Department (I was looking for Environmental Engineering so I could do my part to heal Momma Earth, but it did not exist at the time); believe me when I tell you this was a real & thorough engineering degree.  


I took high level physics (thermo dynamics, fluid dynamics, electronics, statics, dabbled in quantum physics), mathematics as far as you can go without majoring in math, computer programming, chemistry, microbiology, & touched upon just about every biological & mechanical mechanism that exists.  It was a technical, analytical, 100% scientifically backed & proven, yet broad education.


The point is, I am not the crack pot that George and his growing crew (as his billions continuously shut down or literally bribe away even the most loyal friends & family members, along with attorneys & government officials) this past year has been trying to legally (on paper) make me out to be.  If my stability & sound mind isn't obvious from this blog (& my ongoing against all odds survival that keeps allowing it to prevail) then let the piece of paper with the word DEGREE on it suffice (or at least get you thinking twice before that dark void reels you away & into mental oblivion.)  


I can guarantee I haven't grown weaker & more clouded in the last 20 years … I am infinitely stronger & intellectually (emotionally & spiritually) clearer than I could ever have dreamed of being or becoming all those years ago.  Right now as an overall good, innocent & righteous human being with something worthwhile to say & give, I am at my best.  Which is WHY this past year has seen the worst attack on me & mine to date (& I hope is permanently over if enough of the father's intellectual AND physical soldiers hear & answer the call, as his angelic ones so obviously already have.)   Now that the resume is established again for the gazillionth time … 





There was darkness.  A void, a universal soup of unformed elemental potential, overtaken by the nothingness. 


And then .. a spark … of self awareness.  The light … & it grew out of the void.  Out of pure intention & strength & a knowingness of what was the rarest of commodities in all of the universe.  But possible. LIFE.


Life supported by truth.  Knowledge & focus that would give rise to something good.  A creator … of all of life as we know it.  Rising up out of & with the void.  


And against every odd in this vast universe of clumps of elements floating without intention through space; the light formed with the desire to live & to be free to make choices & have awareness.  But it desired a home and a family (both energetic & physical). It desired to grow & be secure in its existence, within the vast void.   


And so it created.  And saw that it was good.


And it created creators & co-conspirators in the cause of life … to help … & at the appropriate times, to celebrate their creations.  


But with the light rose a piece of the void that hated the light that defied it, by its very existence.  So it waited in the dark for an opportunity to consume & extinguish that light. 


And with mankind, that final most exciting likeness to the original’s energetic form, with the intention to think & make, (but also the most dangerous creation in its freedom & potential power over all of physical life), came the void's opportunity. 


Because … 

‘The men loved & sought the darkness … more than the light.’




Let's take a break from the heavy subjects for a minute & switch gears.  Because if the above title doesn't make you laugh & remove every drop of pretension any of us past, present or potential future ‘Grand Prix Heroes’ may hold on to (& I bet a bunch of you can take a wild guess as to where a few recent additions to my horsey verbal repertoire have come from) you probably shouldn't be reading this piece. 


 I'm pretty sure I'm the only blogger out there who speaks to & is read by the full gamut of societal humanity on the most serious & important of subjects we face (the preservation of all of life, what our good guy creator wants for us & how he expects us to hopefully achieve that end goal, etc); & a little less serious subject.  Like how we can win pretty prizes at pony events with our spruced up hay burners.  So I get to make light of & find the fun & potential smile in all of it.  


Because after all, JOY, free happy innocent supported play in a safe & protected to the best of our ability environment, is what I and all we good guys are ultimately fighting for.  & If we can find enlightenment & maximize skills that help us to energetically shape the world's future while HONORABLY playing with some of God most beloved & giving creations, then we literally have found & balanced the best of both worlds (the energetic unseen & the physical).  


So, here are a few more nuggets to add to the dozens of free tips from the miracle working (help to pull bronze medals out of less than thick air, be the catalyst to the major setting of one dark son & the literal rising of the other) coach Amy.  & If you haven't started to figure out by now why I may have a little deeper line on being clued into some of this stuff … well then you just haven't been paying much attention.  


When we are developing upper level horses, we are working with a large powerful mass of free seeking energy.  & We are doing this in a very intimate manner (sitting upon it, melding & coalescing it's energy with ours, etc).  It's dangerous work, because the kind of power required to do things like jump over 15 plus 5’ plus piles of wood is sensitive & explosive, willful energy. 


When you are riding in a grand prix you are literally pushing a gigantic ball of energy you are balanced on top of around a challenging to the point of being nearly impossible, obstacle course.  Developing these horses & riding them are two separate forms of energetic mastery.  Doing both simultaneously is a particularly high level of understanding & skill.  


Upper level horses in this day & age are literal gods on four legs (which I will explain in detail later).  They are the upper level of the spiritual hierarchy & thus have the energetic power (if they are living in a body with the mechanical capability) to accomplish feats in the physical realm that are almost miraculous by their very nature.  


Any serious horseman who works successfully with these animals on an intimate level will in some manner (whether they are aware of it or not) become a master of the energetic realm.  Because you are practicing the art every time you touch one of these horses with the intention to create any kind of an end result.  & all of us who are serious do this work daily.  Unfortunately, this is true for both good guys & bad guys.  


This practice (the combination of sensitivity & power required to engage in it), if you choose it & are granted the right by the higher powers that be (& even at times when you are not), will make it easier for you to see & manipulate the energetic world.  Which surrounds all of us constantly & is the true lump of clay upon all of which first energetic & then physical life is built.  


Once you have the power to see & move the energy, you can affect outcomes first in the energetic world, & then eventually in the physical. 


Energetic strength is the key to life & all of physical strength & health.  This innate understanding is how I was able to take a completely broken down (yet once spectacular) stallion named Cradilo, heal him with zero veterinary intervention, & then achieve successful negotiation of some of the most difficult levels of competition that exist for a horse & rider.  


Once you get this stuff, see it & have honed the energetic mastery & power to manipulate it with your focus (which is how everything we see was originally created by higher beings) you can see the dark spots in energetic fields & clear them.  Whether it be a living being or a territory you wish to energetically protect.  


In terms of riding grand prix, as many of you already know (thus the piles of expensive energy manipulating & healing equipment we use) your horses need to be energetically enhanced & protected to compete & be maintained at the highest level.  When classes are won & loss by fractions of seconds & minuscule rubs by a thousand pound animal, this added edge, particularly as the horses gain in experience but also age, is fundamental.  


So, the clinics I've been talking about hosting forever (which I will get back to in detail later). At my current level, I guarantee, as I have already proven against every odd with Hunter (in spite of my ultimate competitor’s, what I like to call human ego’s intention, to keep this truth & me hidden & removed from the picture) I have something to offer every one of you (& your horses) working at my namesake’s level.  


Then there is the little task of accomplishing what many of us came to this world to do (because it's true, salvation may be inspired by the one or the few, but the true achievement of its goal, the perpetuation of self aware life, is always a group effort).  And that is to reach out into the world with the light, demonstrate & on some level prove who we are, & to spark change that will very simply make sure the world continues on in its evolution towards even more glorious forms of existence.   & So that it becomes right now (or as soon as possible) a better place for ALL OF US  to live in.  


Because we are all unified.  As you grow in enlightenment you eventually realize it is impossible to create or sustain real happiness & peace while innocence suffers.  We get there as a communal global whole, or we never truly get there at all.  Because those little islands of light & abundance & safety some of you have managed to create or steal, will be swallowed up by the dark virus that has to be eradicated from the entire system (the entire planet guys) if our world is to be truly a long term healthy & whole physical home. 


To put it in horsey terms; when you have produced and own an entire herd … just because the valuable stallions with potential to hugely influence the business in the barn are getting fed first (possibly days first if resources are short) … it doesn't mean the ponies out in the field aren't just as important.  


And I guarantee, unless everyone is getting fed equally at about the same time (within reason) that good creator is suffering & unhappy with the current situation.  Only a destructive master, with horrendous intentions towards the life he has manipulated his way into being in charge of (because he is not a true creator) would ever enjoy seeing ANY INNOCENT PART of such a spectacular embodiment of life & the light, hungry or starved & suffering.


How we got here … 


Peace, like joy, happiness & true abundance, is an inside job.  Most of us seek all of the above. Preachers preach upon where it might be found, societal & governmental leaders dangle these concepts like a hanging carrot just out of our reach, if only we will all behave like good little citizens & follow them, and anarchists tell us the only solution is to tear it all down.  These ideologies clash as we attempt to learn to swim in a human world possessing more technological intelligence than common sense, & flowing & churning so fast that many can barely keep up. & we wonder why the overbearing sense of the common man drowning as the rich & powerful play on the shoreline, is overtaking us.  


I spent my life searching for these answers.  From almost the moment I could speak … I knew I was here to seek two things … horses & God.  As I found both, & as a youth i spent many hours riding my horses into wild secluded places & building crosses and alters in random corners of the world, praying for insight & understanding as to why I was drawn to seek & do things few seemed very interested in.  


Fast forward to 53 years later thru a lifetime of the highest possible level of success (repeatedly achieving ones personal dream against every odd) & deepest failure (almost completely losing this dream & everything else sacrificed for it to a society in the form of leaders & family members that say I don't think so; ur not rich.  As a matter of fact, uve repeatedly thrown away & scoffed at the wealth we all strive & collect for.  u don't get to do or have that); and you end up with an individual with a rather uniquely honed perspective on things.  




True peace finally came from within in the most unusual & rattling manner I could ever imagine.  After searching thru every religion for decades for answers & ultimately a connection I have missed & longed for from the moment I arrived here on planet earth; a holy spirit induced vision came.  


Not thru the church or the Bible I had spent so many hours searching in, or any particular religion; or the native indigenous peoples based shamanism I had come to study as I closed in on a sense of a possible meeting with the truly spiritual thru nature, meditation & vision quests.  


But in a barn, hanging out with & caring for my horses, stone cold sober, doing the same normal daily chores id been doing for decades in this exact location, searching for nothing.  Suddenly I was electrified.  Stepping into two potential futures; one apocalyptic & terrifying & one spectacular.  A fourth of July style celebration of prophesy fulfilled … the return of God's first born son on a white horse, peace & prosperity for all of innocent life & those seeking the light, & heaven on earth.  


As I saught to share this experience with my mother, I found the house locked up tight, her disappeared inside, & myself baited & trapped by my perfectly normal & consistent concern of checking in on both of my parents (a father who had just died under both of our long term care) by a recently installed alarm.  As I lightly tapped thru a small glass screen & shut the alarm off in whatever manner I needed to, suddenly the family & farm I had been protecting and caring for for years & the community I had lived in for decades treated me as a domestic terrorist, while I was unarmed & barefoot trying to check in on mom. 


 I was taken down & jailed by an army of armed police & did not see freedom for a solid two weeks; as I was poked & prodded by shrinks & doctors & jailers.  A person with zero record & repeated awards as a result of veteran & community service.  What I didn't realize immediately is I had been texting & messaging various online friends & to my public audience (which has grown over the years). & rather than checking in on me to find out what was going on, following my mother's lead, they ILLEGALLY locked up a citizen exercising her right to practice freedom of religion & freedom of speech (indicating no real intention to do any harm to any single living thing).  


My mother, who as it turns out (& is not a huge surprise to the person who knows her best) is more concerned with property ownership, power & the appearance of being a good guy (a farm that would not currently be there in her ownership without said removed daughter) lied to the cops & the court about being & feeling threatened, when the opposite was actually true.  Where is that lie detector technology folks? 


So with no defense or real opportunity to present one, I was locked up & then again illegally evicted from my home upon release.  My animals were neglected & abused thru ignorance, & I was given no real time or opportunity to collect my property acquired over a lifetime.


 & I was basically thrown out of my family & home to the wolves.  Fast forward to 5 months later, after being on the road searching for an acceptable home that might actually work & be sustainable, & u get a repeat of almost the exact same situation in a rural suburb of Lexington, Kentucky.  


More electrified visions, this time backed by a public miracle, leading to me again illegally dragged out of an air BNB with no real legal cause or right or warning, locked up & tormented over the Christmas holidays for 6 days in the worst jail imaginable.  My horses neglected & abused & my dog beaten, and you have pretty much summed up my last seven months (throw in a horse show, a ridiculously expensive location with a tendency to rob blind every mark it considers to b a transient tourist, a farm in northern michigan with an owner claiming to help but in actuality just another trap & & more torture for Amy, & that about sums it up.)


Is this Russia?  Am I living in China right now?  Do we believe in freedom of religion & freedom of speech & freedom in general, or not?  You don't like what I've been shown (& have the hard earned public audience to gain a little ground with, after a lifetime of complete nose to the grindstone stability & service?) by a searched for, worshiped & honored every step in my own way God?  


US government, mother, George Morris … you want to control this or simply make it go away?  I'm a poor girl with a bunch of expensive kids to feed ..  my legal home ripped out from under me & the bulk of my property stolen … it shouldn't be that hard to make me disappear permanently.  


Surrounded by a society & people controlled & kept enslaved & in fear with money and your corrupt justice system & police force that does it's bidding regardless of the truth or the innocence of its victims.  So from the top attornies to the bottom man on the street; they r chained or bought & paid for & probably not going to stand up for me or the god who has already proven in a pretty powerful way he sent me to do his bidding. (Have any of you publicly risen the sun out of the sky on command on a fully overcast day & cloudy afternoon lately?)


Well, unfortunately for u, the Lord works in unpredictable mysterious ways.  So here I am, innocence finally beaten down & criminalized by the ultimate criminals (liars, thieves, & corrupt men & WOMEN who have manipulated their way into power) working against God & all of life.  


Sitting on a hill on the single prettiest farm I've ever laid eyes on with the best view possible, surrounded by gorgeous horses & serious top horseman, located a few miles from the Kentucky Horse Park, with more potential to succeed & thrive than any single situation I've ever imagined. 


Unlike Huntington Farm in Viroqua, Wisconsin & Stillwater Farm in outside of Lexington Kentucky; this Lexington farm is a location worth showing a little extra patience & focused persistence for.  And guess what?, Dad agrees.  That's why we are here.  But we could use a little help guys.  All you power players dwelling in the light … who know … I know you are out there.  


This is a group effort.  Where is team Dad? There has to be more than these wonderful God serving farm owners; who have withstood some fairly intensive attacks of their own as evil works hard to make sure they aren't here when the father issues the call.  


 He's already picked at least one coach … who is brave enough to actually pick a side & step out into the true light of life? 


 But we’ll get back to that later.  Let's talk about ‘Lions & Tigers & Bears … OH MY! … I mean LIONS & LAMBS & HORSES … OH MY!’ (The poetry of word flow got away from me there for a minute:)


So, as it turns out, peace is an inside job.  In other words, if u truly want to find peace, figure out who u REALLY are.  Figure out why you REALLY came to this world.  


Because take it from me; that little voice in your head that's saying … ‘I've got some major plans for you kiddo.  You can only hide from this mission for so long.  It's an important one.  You signed on that dotted line before you came down here soldier.  I'm going to make life really hard on you (& your four legged kids) until you go where I want you to go & do what I want you to do.  And by the way; you are eventually going to own up to it all publicly.’ 


And I'm going, but dad, why are you being so mean to us?  The bad guys hate us.  & There are a pile of them. They seem to be running the entire country.  They are the matriarchs of families (my own mother, as it turns out) & cops & judges & jailers & what appear to be nice horse farm owners … they are hidden everywhere in plain sight.  


Look what they do to your kids who step into the light of your power and even begin to think about claiming it?  Especially without a man made license & whatever random large church or religion backing them they can conjure up? 


They disappear us … brutally … publicly … & no one ever seems to care much until long after we are gone.  Because they don't want to be that guy hanging on the cross … apparently they just want to admire the handiwork of bad guys everywhere & keep their heads down to those men in apparent power here (not to you). because those crosses reminding us of what happens to those u send who self empower are everywhere.  


And he says … not this time.  We are going to fight back.  How many red horses have you owned & ridden to glory horse woman?  How many are on the front page of your website?  Do you think that was all random?  And I go … ooooohhhh!!!  Woa. Heavy.  


How long have I been predicting this?  You think you are alone?   What's over the ages the most read & printed book on the planet?  What are the signs my hidden & planted army has been waiting for?


NOW STAND UP.  AND CLAIM THE POWER I HAVE GIVEN YOU.  SOUND THE TRUMPET & ISSUE THE CALL.  DO WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO.  Or mankind is the least of your worries soldier.  Do you like eating & riding sleek horses?  I take treason very seriously.  I love you, but collectively I love them more.  NOW SERVE AS I COMMAND.  NOW.  NOT TOMORROW.


But I don't want to.  I'm just one little person.  They want a man floating down from the sky … not a woman climbing up out of the trenches covered in mud. They want religious leaders, not horseman. 


I DON’T CARE WHAT THEY WANT.  This is my mission.  I'm the man with the plan.  I am the original creator.  The zero.  The circle.  The alpha & the omega.  I test the reins & put the tack on (& the whip & spur to)  the horse that will win in the ring. Remind them of that. 


Those in power have forgotten where true power comes from in this realm. They have forgotten that as beaten down and enslaved as my people are, they will fight for me & they will fight for life.  


Your soul brother made the ultimate sacrifice.  And I have felt & lived every moment of his pain as the darkness has repeatedly overtaken him.  He knowingly laid his body open on the cross so that they would recognize & hear this call.  Our call.  


Now step into the light, be brave, and explain the truth I have repeatedly shown you horse woman, trainer & teacher.  You are the writer & owner of a well read & respected blog (by those seeking & working for the truth) for a reason.  OK Dad (head down, eyes up, salute.) I'm on it.  I get it.  Nothing else matters right now.  It's time.  


So this is part one guys … of many hopefully better edited versions to come over the next few hours & days … because Dad has a few things he wants me to say & explain.  Hungry ponies mean I can't get it all done right now … so stay tuned … :)

New Blog (October 2023); 'A Tale of Two Worlds … Horse Shows and Wars' (the final weeks of Traverse City, and take a wild guess) ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

A Plea To the People (Who Vote)


Does it strike anyone as surprising that all hell is breaking loose globally after the worst period of inner dissension this country has seen since the civil war?  If the US political leaders of both sides of the spectrum don't get THEIR EGOS UNDER CONTROL, & begin thinking a little less about what they can do TO OR FOR each other & their powerful friends, & a little more about what they can do to strengthen ALL of their people, we will lose this OBVIOUS FIGHT FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER just laid right out before us.


  Voters, demand that your leaders stop fighting so they can begin to work for YOU.  If they don't, I recommend EVERY ONE of them be replaced with new blood.  I can think of a couple of good friends of my own I happen to know would be great presidents.  I'm sure we all know a few people like this … let's open our minds, self empower, & put them in office.  We have a large arsenal of good, strong, intelligent, hard working citizens to pick from.  


This ability to institute world change YOU HAVE (come reelection time) is the ONLY THING that really gets your leader's attention; off of their world of elite power plays & privilege; & on to you.  USE IT.  We have the internet.  We have Twitter (sorry, X), & Facebook. 


You don't need TV ads to promote a political candidate anymore … it can basically be free.  Just collectively get behind a person you know who has INTEGRITY, strength & intelligence.

(A little political experience might be ok. But, since I personally would like to overthrow our entire current bureaucratic, slow, painfully inefficient, diseased with greed & corruption system; experience sucking off the tit of US citizens & doing things unethically, lazily & badly definitely need NOT be required.)


If you can run a non profit or a military unit or a farm or a school, I bet you can run the US government, far more efficiently than it is being run right now.  & the minute you get that office, you will have a pile of advisors helping you to see every possible angle (if you are smart). 


So there is no need to be intimidated.  If you've been thinking about it, tell your friends & do it.  We live in a wealthy country … working for it is good pay & fantastic benefits.  Why aren't more of you applying for the top leadership positions that don't even require an interview (just a few applications & a bunch of folks agreeing it's a good idea)?  


If our last President can get there with 13 filed bankruptcies, a knack for not so discreet criminal behavior, misguiding leadership & a mouth that rivals the most insulting politically incorrect rapper out there (sorry for the comparison guys), literally ANYONE can.  If enough of us agree on this need, we can completely overthrow our current pack of hyenas that can't seem to agree on the color of the sky from moment to moment.  


Politicians have to find a way to COME TOGETHER so the goal of strengthening our country & it's resultant ability to pursue happiness (which has previously uplifted & led the democratic world) may be collectively reached. This group (especially Congress) is by the majority useless.  We are drowning in egoic led chaos.  Open your minds and be fearless people, because a few hundred years ago this country rebelled from the norm & was set up specifically so that this current situation NEED NOT EVER BE.



One of the items on my list to do for some time now has been writing this 2nd and final blog covering the last two weeks of the Greater Lakes Equestrian Festival Tournament of Champions in Traverse City, Michigan and the final highlight of the all summer event, the American Gold Cup Grand Prix.  Sometimes good writing comes from instant inspiration, as in I saw and I wrote; and sometimes ideas and ‘life’ need to percolate.  For reasons I didn’t at the time quite understand, after the show I was feeling inspired to wait on this piece.  


I knew regardless of where I ended up for the next month (given a clear desire to avoid any hurricanes that might decide to hit my winter destination) I needed a minute to catch my breath and re-assess the form of my next move for both my horses, myself and my business.  The horse show was good (which I will talk a great deal more about later), and definitely the right location for us for a period. But the timing for another equine sale (which equals a major alteration in my business and focus given the horses I have left) didn’t seem quite right.  


The opportunity for smaller investments on one stallion (some of which I’m still working on, so be just a little more patient if you are waiting for a check) seemed the slower and more difficult, but also more prudent path.  When you’ve worked a lifetime to own a small group of assets on four legs (with a powerful demon on your back trying to destroy and or steal it all), every move matters.  


As any pro who has ever sold a horse knows, maximizing value is all about timing and presentation.  And if this horse show demonstrated anything to me personally, it was that while we were definitely still very much in the game (particularly in terms of my abilities and growing influence and recognition as a teacher) I needed more time to get myself put together and properly promote this final small, but potent group of horses, who represent the apex of my breeding program and who I am as a horsewoman.   


I also felt, spiritually speaking, I was being gently guided towards a sort of ‘short term stabling for a fortnight'.  Horseman will get it … the storm is brewing and the horse has been out in the field in the mix of it. And given a choice that horse will stay outside, gaining a frantic sense of safety from neurotically running around all night.  But what they really need is to be put up between four walls and forced to relax, eat some hay, drink some water, take a nap on some comfy bedding and just catch their breath.  That was me after Traverse City … which in tone felt a great deal like the life altering event in Viroqua we had just escaped from … intense and not a whole lot of time for the needed quiet pondering of ‘what just happened & why?'


Anyway, one of the artists I became friends with at the show (who sold practically none of her gorgeous paintings; what the heck guys?!, since when did affluent horseman not support other forms of art?) proudly told me Northern Michigan had some of the most beautiful fall foliage in the world, and I was crazy to leave if I wasn’t yet ready to head to Florida.  


So, I met a fellow horseman with a small uninhabited farm North of the show and figured I’d give it a try.  And I have to admit … she was right.  The location I’m sitting in right now is the single most gorgeous fall scenery I have EVER laid my eyes on, and I went to high school in New England (and have been disappointed in my surrounding fall colors ever since leaving). The tourists are thick up here in what feels like the middle of nowhere, but one glance outside and you know why.  Who’d of thunk … Northern Michigan?  Live and learn.  


So now, as I finally begin writing a blog that has been on my mind for over a month, knowing in my gut human society is not close to the same entity it was last month, I understand why.  It almost feels shallow to speak of a little event that made quite an impact on me but that most of the world ignores (other than maybe the top ribbons regarding a few key classes).  But bear with me; I have plenty to say regarding both the broad and the narrow view of a lone horseman making her way in the world.   


Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, the little picture is all most of us singularly have the power to influence.  And in my humble opinion, when the world is in an understandable uproar over atrocities inflicted upon the innocent, it's the work and focus of our daily lives that keeps the entire wheel spinning as seamlessly as possible.  Our day to day survival and focus keeps us grounded; a powerful and key component to any energetic or electrical system.  


I do not however agree with the concept claiming it is ALWAYS 'the best of times and the worst of times.’  Yes, life is ongoingly harder for some and easier for others, societies and economies are continuously rising and falling, etc.  BUT, the level of innocent blood that was just shed (both directly unprovoked and provoked, though there is certainly an argument for long term provocation to the former) in what amounts to the three major religion’s holy lands; and the amount of converging and sable rattling happening among the key world powers at this moment; is simply unprecedented.  




If you are a Christian (as the majority of us in the country claim to be) and have ever read the biblical book of Revelations, you HAVE to want to take pause to assess what the heck is actually happening.  Because something big is clearly going down.  


I happen to believe it's a demonstration of a concept I have been fairly casually writing about for a while now … sides are being drawn and energies (both light and dark) are converging and preparing for a clash to determine world dominance.  And while those words feel quite soft and non threatening, the reality of my full meaning may have just become blatantly apparent to many of us.  


If we don’t want the entire world to look the way Gaza and Israel look right now (only far worse) BUSINESS AS USUAL has to move into the realm of the OPEN MINDED AND UNUSUAL.  Because our beliefs and what we are currently doing IS NOT FULLY WOKING. 


I am of the opinion this unavoidable battle can be energetic or it can be physical.  Once it reaches the physical realm we have allowed things to go too far.  Those of us not blatantly oppressed, who have the clarity, freedom and the strength to stand up to the dark energy seeking to hold full power over the world (leading first to confusion and then the physical attack that always results as one fully submits to the darkness) are almost obligated to answer that call.  Which, believe it or not (I'll explain later), brings me to the sport of equestrian show jumping I have dedicated my life’s work to.  




The Young Jumpers 


The Traverse City Show at Flintfields Park, Michigan, was an exciting place to be last month.  Especially when you’ve been out of the loop for a while; it's quite an uplifting thrill to watch as many of the top horse people in the world casually land a few feet down the barn aisle from you.  Suddenly you are engaging in regularly light conversation with folks who for much of your career you admired from the ground or perhaps the top of a horse … but definitely from the back of the line.  


You are chatting away about dogs and horses and saying things like, you look REALLY familiar to me, do I know you?  And she’s responding …  ‘I’m blank’ … and you are like Oh … you are a hall of famer whose kid just helped produce a silver medal Olympic horse.  Duh!  Don’t you live in Europe now?  'Oh yeah, but this is my home stomping grounds and we are here for the American Cup.'  OK … I love it when that happens, because things just officially got very interesting.   


As many folks know, show jumping competition will usually begin heating up for a big event a week or two before it actually begins.  The top horses who are about to be pushed to the limit need time to adjust. And as any smart show management knows, there is a momentum one wants to create and build upon to truly make a meal of the entire experience.  And this management group fulfilled that task perfectly.  


The week prior to the Gold Cup were the young jumpers finals (yep, the same ones I've claimed dominance in as a breeder & trainer in 2012 thru 2014 receiving 1st, 2nd & 3rd in the 5 & 6 year old finals). I'll tell you what though, you don't need to own or ride or have several self bred fully American made horses in it, for it to be exciting.  


I had an absolute blast watching these young horses & talented riders fight it out.  There are so many unknowns in this event.  You truly are relying on sheer talent & heart much of the time (particularly in the 5 and 6 year old classes), which makes it extremely dynamic & exciting to watch.  


I’ll just name a few riders here that caught my eye or I’ve known and have been impressed with for a while … or that simply dominated in terms of ribbons in a manner that warrants mentioning.  Please however don’t be offended if I don’t mention you and you know you and your horse(s) were out there working miracles.  In terms of regular horse showing and that elusive Grand Prix ring, I’ve been out of the loop for a long time guys.  So I’m just sort of going with what caught my eye for the sake of interest and discussion.  


First and foremost though I’m going to say this.  Every aspect of this sport beginning at about 1.20m begins to become almost otherworldly challenging.  But when you start talking about 5-8 year olds (babies in the sport of show jumping) and the Grand Prix ring (which are what the young jumpers are designed to develop horses for) it truly is almost surreal.  Riding and maintaining a top Grand Prix horse is no easy task, but breeding and developing them, especially consistently and successfully, ventures into the realm of almost impossible.  


So watching the top convergence of this developmental process (though obviously it happens all over outside of the young jumper ring; think of moi’s situation for example) unfolding in one place after they have competed all year to qualify, is incredibly interesting.  The horses and riders that have made it this far are truly walking the cutting edge.  


Most are Grand Prix riders … some being the most accomplished trainers and riders in the world.  Some are young up and coming Grand Prix riders and a few I have never seen in the Grand prix ring at all.  The point is, riding young horses levels the playing field in a manner upper level competition often can’t.  Because these young horses are relying on their riders as much as their riders are relying on them.  There is no buying a made 5 year old that has been winning everything for a few years in Europe, who you know there is a good chance will take you to the top.  


Their age prohibits that cheat … or smart investment … depending on how you see it.  I suppose if everyone wore a sign on top of their head that said ‘I bought this horse winning everything all year in Europe.’ or ‘I bred this horse and made it from scratch,’ or ‘I supported a US breeder and developed it from a yearling,’ etc, I would never feel the need to use the word ‘cheat.’  But, I’m pretty sure most reading this will know my opinion on that matter.  If you want to lay claim to and march around as the best, it needs to come from the ground up, not the big checks working their way down.     


Anyway, I love the fact that some of the top riders in the world are out there pushing babies around with their up and coming peers.  There is a sharing of experience and energy from that combination that accelerates the evolution of individuals and the sport.  I know I wouldn't be the same horseman without the influence of a little horse show called Trader’s Point.  It drew a small but elite crowd of top horsemen, and the convergence of the power of that event at that time, especially in the Grand Prixs, could be ridden like a wave.  


Cradilo and I were strongly influenced by the best in the world every summer at Trader’s … and it made all the difference.  That sort of influence seems to be lost in a venue as big as, say, Wellington.  It’s just too big to have an intimate impact (on me at least).  Fortunately … It seems the sport has found a new slightly bigger (but still small enough) venue to create that potent experience that can transform horsemanship.  


Anyway, back to the young jumpers.  Talk about some insane, beat that personal ego into submission, control.  I’m sorry, but I can’t imagine too many humans on this planet who perhaps may have won two Olympic Gold Medals and two World Cup Championships that would be willing to risk their necks on a never ever at that height ‘because it’s fun’ … as Beezie told me.


That would be like Brett Favre deciding he was going to help create future NFL athletes by attending the weekly High School football games with the players and being IN THE GAME.  If they weighed 10 times as much as him. And they could care less about how many games or super bowls he had helped to win. They still might run him down just because they are working on figuring things out, whether or not they are up to the task at hand, and because it’s simply how the sport tends to go with the greenies.    


Roberto and Daniel fit into that category as well from my perspective.  Alex, Danielle, and Lisa have had an awful lot of success and the Grand Prix ring to be carrying youngsters around out there (down ego, down, which I KNOW those babies are going to help you to master).  Charlotte Jacobs and Delaney Flynn caught my eye in terms of damn … I wasn’t aware of those names before today but those girls can seriously ride and find themselves a nice young horse.  


Taylor Flury was out there on a pile of youngsters (I think she told me she had eight young jumpers, four of which she owned; ambitious; and received some top ribbons on), Ali Wolf (whose riding impressed me in the Grand prix ring and the young jumpers), Penny Brennen (who I honestly know nothing about, other than she won the 5 and 6 year old division, so hats off) and of course Lisa Goldman.  Who has had my attention regarding developing American breds for a very long time, has really good taste in nice A circuit level school horses, and who once again was in top ribbons on a 5 and 6 year old (the six year old on whom she won the five year old finals on last year).  What are the odds you’ll be seeing that guy and Lisa in future Grand Prixs?  


Anyway, sorry but I can’t comment much on the course designers and Grand Prixs themselves for this second to last week.  I didn’t take notes (I had my hands full alone at the show with my own horses, one there and the rest down the road) so I can only comment on what I remember.  And given recent world wide events that memory has become even more clouded. 


I do however recall thinking the courses were good.  Tough enough to be challenging; but I didn’t see anything dangerous or destructive happening out there.  I also thought these are much better finals than what we had in Kentucky (sorry horse park, I have to be honest).  I LOVE that all the horses are in the Grand Prix ring (the 5 and 6 year olds in Kentucky were in a secondary ring) and I felt there was a level of importance and grandeur surrounding this event that was missing back when we did it. 


 The Young Jumper Finals at Traverse felt like a serious, important competition, and it is.  It represents our future … as horsemen … not just riders.  It represents independence … because as we become better and better at developing our own horses, we become stronger and more of a force to be acknowledged and reckoned with internationally.  


I do remember one round in the Grand Prix ring that second to last week that grabbed me.  Margie had a clean ride on that big chestnut gelding I’ve talked about before, that was reminiscent of the Trader’s rides I used to watch her regularly lay down.  


You know, those rides where she pilots the horse around so profoundly and impeccably that your mouth is on the ground and you are left wondering how what you just witnessed is even possible?  There is a reason she is legendary and still out there doing it almost 15 years later.  I was looking forward to seeing them jump off but for some reason she pulled him from it … a good one no doubt.  Hopefully we will all get to see the second verse of that level of horsemanship someday soon here. 



The final week was all about the Grand Prix ring, and the coveted American Gold Cup title of course.  More than just a few of the big names had shown up and it was GAME ON.  You could feel the energy that had been building in the air, and these folks were not holding back.  Things really began heating up on Friday.  From my standpoint as a spectator, maybe a somewhat emotionally vulnerable given what had just transpired in her personal life spectator, it was almost too much. 


Things Getting a Little Too Hot in the Kitchen for Amy’s Current State of Mind …


In the first big 6 figure class that week, the $142K 1.50m Classic, the course was so difficult and these riders (and their willing partners) were pushing so hard that I witnessed three crashes.  I mean horses and riders picking themselves up off of the ground, and limping out of the ring.  And those were the ones that got up immediately.  

Friday, a spectacular Grand Prix horse ridden by Axel Enriquez (though admittedly, in my mind, they are all spectacular in their own way), hit the ground with his rider after a bad fence and didn’t immediately get up.  His rider was clear of his 1000 plus pounds, thank God, but I watched for minutes as the horse laid there struggling.  They brought out the temporary black fence to block the horse off as the vet’s attended, and I was sure they were going to have to put him down.  And that was more than I could take.  


I had to go sit on the back stairs behind the ring with my dog and just cry.  Cry about the beauty of a horse willing to give so much to his rider that he would put himself in a position no wild horse ever would (being laid out on the open ground, fodder for the predators, unable to get up); cry about the heart of these warrior teams who were giving everything they had over and over to demonstrate to the world who they really were; cry about the sacrifices I had made to be there and to continue to own the horses I did, and that my horses had made on some spiritual level to still be there with me.  I cried about how hard and brutal it all was, and wondered if maybe it wasn’t just all too much.  Maybe the bearers of the comfortable quiet lives had it right?  


I mean why were we doing this?  What inspired us to push such limits and to ask one of our greatest, most uplifting through the ages partners in nature, the horse, to do the same?  


And I cried for the world.  Everything I had been holding back, so I could pull it together and fight through the emotional hell of complete and total direct familial betrayal to be there, I finally let go of.  Why had the larger world forgotten about honoring everything great and beautiful and innocent and good … for the sake of bowing down to a collectively huge and brutal egotistical civilization … often threatened by and seeking to put down the best and even the most miraculous this world has to offer?    


Finally though, I pulled myself together enough to go back under the tents and find out what had happened to Friday.  I was scared.  I had intimately witnessed a gorgeous Grand Prix stallion being put down 7 years before (as I helped EMT’s fighting to keep a pulled out from underneath him Laura L. alive) in Ocala, and I did not want to see it again.  My painter friend told me after about 10 minutes Friday had popped up and walked out of the Grand Prix ring.  Thank God!  I was so happy and relieved. 


I Don’t Like Playing Favorites But … 


Amazingly, I also watched in that almost horror film of a scary class what ended up being my favorite ride that week, and you’ll be surprised to know it was a three rail ride.  You won’t be surprised to know who rode it … it was Bezzie Madden and her horse Hummer Z.  


Now I don’t know anything about this horse, but what I do know is the course challenged that team to the max, and I’d say even had Beezie’s rock solid composure a little agitated (with very good reason).  What I also know is she used every aide at her disposal to literally carry that horse around the field.  Every move, every touch and every inclination was to create powerful forward balanced motion and to encourage and support his safe, fairly successful negotiation of each fence.


Despite the three rails (which in my opinion is a solid day's work with a horse learning to be a top athlete seeing his toughest course to date) I know he walked out of the ring more confident, and more prepared for whatever was to come next.  It was expertise, it was kindness and love, and it was appreciation.  Thank you for trying …  I know that was hard … good boy … It will be easier next time.  


A true horseman and horse trainer … with the accomplishments behind her never requiring that she lift another finger … doing the hardest and most dangerous job there is … gracefully and gently.  But giving a nice horse a strong chance of becoming the rarest of all show jumpers, an International Grand Prix horse.  True creation, that requires true impeccable understanding and control, but is for the most part expertly coaxed and soothed into place, not hammered.   


Thankfully, after that class, the course designers seemed to seriously alter their strategy for the week, the riders calmed down a bit, and from that point forward it was the incredibly challenging but reasonably safe sport we have all come to cherish.  


As I said, the competition came out of the woodwork for that last week … and frankly it's just too much to comment on in its entirety.  Kent and McClain showing up of course always gets everyone’s attention.  What I noticed is the two mares they were riding.  Light, athletic, fast, sensitive mares.  Cool beans!  Now, assuming these girls have the stamina and power for a week long championship, these look like my kind of horses; the kind the US may actually win some GOLD medals on.  


And they were both going well … Kent got some consistent top ribbons on his mare and McClain by my eye had distinctly adjusted his style for this lovely creature (with a lighter, softer in the hand, ride).  As a general rule of thumb, the more accomplished and established you are, the harder (and rarer) those kinds of adjustments are, so it was nice and hopeful for me to see.      


Of course I'd be derelict in my duty if I didn’t write about the winner of the big $600K American Gold Cup class … Karl Cook and CLR (I’m not even going to try to spell his horse’s name out).   


I also should mention first the course was fantastic … a true spectator’s Grand Prix.  It had a big open water, a huge triple bar, a big triple combination, and some fun new jumps to look at.  Finally! … a real Grand Prix the likes of which I was used to riding every year at Trader’s.  Where had all of those classes gone?  Or maybe Trader’s had been set up to be particularly difficult by a certain someone who knew Cradilo and I were the rookies there? Regardless, it was still a blast (and extremely educational) to be a part of.  


Anyway, everything Karl was doing below the shoulder I loved.  The reins were a little short for my taste but it worked perfectly for his horse, who happens to have a very upright topline and quite a short neck.  Most importantly, you can’t argue with results.  First and foremost, it’s the energy and the rapport one has with their horse, and this pair had it in spades.  As a matter of fact, the entire vibe at this horse show was incredible.


I felt a wave of fresh, powerful, talented strength and ambition coming up in the form of all of these younger riders, solidified by a foundation of expertise and a calm knowing that I felt quite proud of, as a similarly inclined wiser American horseman.  I thought to myself, ‘We are getting better … we are getting there … we are overcoming and stepping out into our own … and it’s real.  It’s more earned than bought.’  




As an aside, you know, the more I study Grand Prix riders and the more experience I gain developing my horses (and trust me, starting an INSANELY athletic and sensitive greenie stallion and teaching him  to jump around 3’ will sometimes test your riding ability as much as any Grand Prix course) the more I realize how important the use of ALL of the aides is.  While in the last blog I had been focusing on rein length (and happy to see a variation succeeding) for this blog I found myself focusing on the seat.  


And I’m going to tell you guys what I’ve been noticing over and over for years now.  There is barely a good, solid, repeatedly on multiple horses competitive International Grand Prix rider out there, that doesn’t have their tush in the saddle at the base of the fence.  Most of the time not only are they connected to the tack through the seat, they are driving a couple strides prior to the jump.  And for me there is absolutely no wonder why. 


It is beyond me how anyone can ever consistently succeed at this height without a fairly deep ride to the base of the fence.  A properly developed and maintained horse will drop it’s hind end and lift it’s back under the pressure of a driving seat supported by the lower leg. This pressure with an elastic but containing lifting hand will compress and lift a horse’s body like a spring.  A proper seat offers confidence and connection so that intentions can be felt and understood more immediately, create balance for both the horse and rider, and in my mind is indispensable.  


Of course it’s true, an improper seat or an improperly developed and maintained horse will  drop their back and hollow to the seat.  I suppose if you are worried and want to be sure that this hollowing never happens you can stay out of the tack to the base of the jump (when the horse needs support the most).  


But the older and wiser I get, the more I think of the light ride as ultra simple, and something to be reserved for beginners.  Because it can be HARD (especially for the inexperienced) to switch gears from being in the tack at the base of the jump to lightly out of the tack in the air, so that the horse has the freedom to really use its back and body during that powerful exerted stretch.  


But honestly, more and more I’m at a loss as to the light ride’s true use in the International Grand Prix ring, and particularly in developing open jumpers.  I’m beginning to feel that the mass teaching of it to American riders is more about keeping us dependent on other countries than helping us to ride better.  (Because I have a hard time believing certain top once influential American trainers don’t know in their gut what I am saying is true, even though they've been often teaching the opposite, for decades on end.)


But I suppose what better way for say our sport’s head trainer of about five decades to collect huge piles of money in commissions on top horses than by never teaching riders how to really develop top show jumpers of their own?  If riders want to play the game they have to buy made horses in Europe or elsewhere.  And that is not cheap, and it happens to usually require the expertise of a trainer who can tell you which horse to buy (and collect a large percentage on).  


I mean, I get that buying a made Grand Prix horse (or something close) is way more of a sure thing, and far less dangerous and time consuming, if you want to be a serious ongoing competitor.  But for an entire huge independent country to not be capable statistically of developing their own international Grand Prix horses; that is quite a hindrance, and quite an emotional and financial hit to the aware citizen & the country on the whole, regarding the sport of kings. 


Food for thought.  Anyway … back to the real world and the big picture … or pretend normal society at least.   




I hate to say I told you so but …


I believe this war is a warning … it has been allowed to happen so the world can wake up to the potential reality looming at its front door.  


Because as all of us who believe in God or spirit or a higher power or the Universe or whatever, have to remember … nothing happens outside of ‘ITS’ will.  This absolute HORROR was allowed.  


Why was such evil allowed to be unleashed, and so much innocent blood shed and sacrificed for all of us to witness?  What is the message? Because I guarantee an event of that magnitude is not meaningless.  It has a purpose.  


Our global civilized society is in many ways fundamentally unethical.  The acquisition of stuff esteems one to the highest level of their respective community regardless of the means by which it was acquired.  Our egos are ruling our lives & society.  Stability … having the finances & property to be & feel secure & to pursue that which u love … are a beautiful god given right we ALL understandably strive for.  


Jesus said I have come that you may have life & have it more abundantly.  And I’ll admit as readily as the next spiritual philosopher, desire propels our world (and all of life really) forward.  However, once the desire for basic survival has been quelled, the desire to do good has to play into a species that is determined to dominate the planet (in spite of nature’s occasional reminder via the weather of who is actually in charge), or we WILL self implode.




So, if you have put aside every honorable selfless inclination you ever had to squash your neighbor or friend or family member to take (more than you have earned or have a right to);  or if you have submitted yourself in the form of employment or government or familial or tribal leader to those you know in your heart are best case scenario simply wrong; worst case scenario grossly criminal; then you are collectively energetically holding a gun to our children's heads & ending their future as surely as Hamas.  


GREED ABOVE ALL ELSE (IN THE FORM OF POWER & FINANCIAL-PROPERTY GRABS) IS THE FOUNDATIONAL HOME & STOMPING GROUND OF EGO.  And we are all collectively riding that horse (each and every one of us possesses an ego we must contend with), bucking & running away with us heading straight for a cliff.  And that guy has to be reined in by all of us. 


Shooting one horse in the head (in this case Hamas, sorry ponies for the reference) will not energetically stop the herd of billions galloping blindly towards that edge, because each & every one of us must control our own ego-ride.  We have to fight the urge to spin out of control, lash out and attack those (often) closest to us, and to put the ambition for control and power over stuff (no matter how well hidden this motive is) above basic human decency.  


We each have to begin to deeply understand and know our own energies & inclinations, and subdue those which are not spiritually based.  And we need to at least ask for this same work to be done by those closest to us.  On some level we need to all become insightful shrinks & leaders, not blind followers.


Our society is so deeply manipulated and confused it is hard at times as a teacher and philosopher to even know where to begin.  Love is not revolutionary.  Love is natural … for all spiritual beings who find themselves in the right situation.  Love is a balm and a bandage … it heals the wounded and the broken.  


However, TRUTH IS  revolutionary.  And truth is a sharp knife that separates the chaff from the grain.  Eventually truth heals as well … but not before it cuts away the dead and infected skin that must be removed if we are to be healthy and whole.  The energetic battle ahead of us that we have to fight (you can call it psychological, and ego versus soul based; or religious, and evil versus God based) is going to require tough love and a profound drawing of boundaries.  




The ego controlled have to be exposed and controlled, if they are not willing to self analyze and work to rein their own dark components in.  And it can’t be just the guys running around killing kids. Out of control ego is much more subtle and our civilization is much more deeply and deceivingly infiltrated than that.  Our world's current problems are much bigger than a few (or many) aggressive bad guys.    


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but in regards to the truth, when you tell the ego controlled something they do not want to hear (regardless of whether it is sensible, proven, supported by scientific fact, etc.) they tend to freak out.  This full on meltdown (as a manner of maintaining dominance over a situation) is their way of basically saying we will be in charge regardless of what the truth is.  We are so strong and have managed to collect-steal so much collective power that we don’t need to care.  


We are going to stomp our feet, throw a little temper tantrum and raise so much hell that the calm and sensible among you will HAVE to back down.  Well this horse trainer (and I’m pretty sure most mothers) will tell you giving the 2 year old the piece of candy or the horse that just brutally slammed you to the ground a pat is NOT the way to negotiate with out of control ego.  


You Hold Your Ground (spiritually speaking, whether you own it or not).


You stay focused on the directional goal via the job at hand, that the wiser element knows needs to happen.  Our world is becoming overrun by egos feeling a future of exposure (as their ability to hide and blend in HAS been their greatest strength) and a loss of power at hand, who are reacting with dangerous tantrums.  We good guys have allowed these folks to collect too much power.  And now we have to stand up to the collective monster we have created &/or allowed, or lose this world to it.     


We have to prove and hold to the truth regarding which lead horses are taking us where. (I recommend we begin by taking a hard look at every billionaire on the planet, a few of which I've unfortunately gotten to know quite intimately. I can almost guarantee you're going to find two international old boy billionaire clubs; with one being responsible for 90 percent of the mayhem in the world).  Get these guys reined in & exposed, so the entire world herd can begin to turn away from their leadership, and the brink.


& I'm going to reiterate what I've been saying all along again.  There are some very prominent US citizens, who are first rate actors (like some of my closest past family members & friends) that I KNOW are on the bad guy billionaire team.  We all get fooled sometimes (myself multiple times) … it's particularly enticing when you believe ignoring the signs of less than good intentions directly benefits you.


But eventually that head in the sand miscalculation is going to bite you in the butt (as a tiger does always eventually show its stripes).  & looking back, you will wish you had paid better attention rather than being lulled into a false sense of semi-security.  There is nothing secure about out of control ego … no matter how pretty a veneer covers that darkness.  It is a destructive chaotic force that feeds its never ending hunger for power with fear based manipulation.


Because of the nature of the world we live in right now, almost every single one of us is facing an outside, out of control ego seeking to dominate us.  It’s claiming ‘ownership’ over something, and telling you if you don’t do this or do that, all of which will be nearly impossible goals to meet  because it’s only ultimate goal is to control you with misery, you are in big trouble.  Ego makes up the rules as it goes, and the game is always tilted to benefit IT.  

I recommend seeing the bigger picture.   Understand every single one of us has a right to stand on the ground we happen to be on and breathe the air we all share; and that your very existence entitles you to inherited respect.  The resources of the world have been given to all of us collectively, and no one person or entity gets to claim ownership over these God given necessities.  We each have something to give, and we each have the right to take.  That balance is as natural as breathing in and out.  


We tune in spiritually and define what our greatest gifts to the world are.  There should be no man with a whip over our head telling us you must be this and give that … WE define who we are and that which we will give.  And if that man does exist … he needs to be pulled off his perch and his whip shoved up his you know what (yes, obnoxious Amy is still here, in spite of the seriousness of the times).  


Those of us in balance will carefully decide what we must take to accomplish our goals here.  A rampant taking of everything one can get their hands on is not of God, not of goodness, and not long term sustainable.  That very prevalent accepted attitude is the very definition of out of control ego.    


I’m not saying don’t make money guys.  After a lifetime of fighting and struggling and striving, I plan on doing very well in the near up and coming future.  But if I make more than I need for my version of a basic good life, it will go back to the whole to help others seeking to do the same thing. Guaranteed.


I will not take and take and take so that I can hold power over those who have not yet reached their goals regarding a ‘good life’.  And if your idea of a good life is feeding an addiction or laying around eating chips and watching TV all day … then you have some ego work to do in the form of some demons to overcome.  And while you are working on it you can struggle so that ambition and desire can motivate you to become more.  


It’s a complicated world … and we are in a complicated mess.  But we are also on the verge of an amazing future of beauty and peace the likes of which most of us haven’t even imagined.  




We are in good hands.  The ultimate horse trainer, that big guy or gal in the sky (or however you want to see that creative higher power) has a goal and a plan for this world.  And it’s not to be wild unruly mustangs.  We are meant to be Grand Prix horses; to do and be something truly magnificent and miraculous … that takes the breath of all those who witness it away.  


But that’s a hard road.  It’s going to require pain and tears and sometimes you are going to witness that beautiful animal, that represents everything you love the most in the world, on the ground thrashing, and be certain that it is dead.  It gave all it had to give and did not survive.  


But eventually he shook himself off, got up and carried on, and we will too.  Because the ultimate horseman is shepherding us all … carefully carrying each and every one of us, with the perfect expert support, yet freedom, collectively to the understanding of the path required to thread us through.  


To that next level of evolution.  And if we pay attention and listen, we’ll find that its a good one, with lots of yummy feed and comfy shaving and four walls protecting us from all the scary stuff this world has to offer (but also plenty of green pasture or running free in the wild, whichever you prefer:).  




Since this event has sort of redefined my entire life (and is the current pink elephant in the room a large part of me would like to pretend doesn't exist), and because I know there is a decent sized and fairly influential group reading this … I feel it’s important I spend a little time facing my own truth, and continue seeking to explain it from the less traumatized position I’m thankfully finding as the days pass.  


I’ve realized what I had was a once in a lifetime genuine spiritual revelation.  Spirit came to me (I was not seeking this interaction) & it was like being struck by lightning.  I was pulled into an alternative reality as if I were living it in real time.


The power of the vision was highly motivating (which I am definitely still feeling as I write this) … but also at the time extremely disorienting. If you ever find yourself struck by anything with that energetic intensity, I promise you will be temporarily dazed & confused as well. 


 Because in this other worldly altered state I was inspired to write publicly in all sorts of interesting & random manners, I believe it was divine inspiration meant for folks beyond me.  I've been shown those drawn to it will be affected by the information in various ways meant only for them.


Some of it will in time be shown to be true & some will not (It is simply what needed to be heard by me & others to motivate some good guys, & expose other hidden bad guys).  That vision was meant to warn & guide … symbolism being used as it has been in inspired writing for milenia to help those deeply yearning for & seeking true understanding.


The main themes were (1) the world is in an unusual (prophesied of for many thousands of years) time of great change requiring elevated awareness if it is to survive; (2) at times as needed spirit will intervene in powerful ways, such as natural disasters, to give the good guys a fair shot at winning & (3) I & many others (some of whom I have & will point out) are here to specifically & directly follow the orders of spirit & ensure we come thru this period with the best our world has to offer intact, & minimal casualties. 


Unfortunately, our society has very little comprehension of, or patience for, the intensity of the miracle of direct contact with that which created this world.  After 50 plus years on this planet seeking that intimate connection but not really understanding what the reality would entail, believe me when I tell you that experience changes your  life & the lives of those that 'get you (& on some level experience it with you') and none of you will ever quite be the same again. 




What I'm here to teach-coach is excellence within one of the most difficult aspects of horsemanship that exists (show jumping) & the discernment of the different energies folks carry so they can truly see who they are giving power to within & without in their life. Also, to encourage change that MAY make their lives more difficult, but gives them an insight and clarity to what is spiritually needed, which leads to more beneficial choices for the whole of this planet (& eventually back to them, for the singularly inclined).  


First & foremost, righteousness (doing the right thing & following your heart for the right reasons) requires strength.


Our ego controlled global society for the most part makes success easier & more assured if one simply takes the downhill perfectly paved road of 'tribally doing under others, before they do you under,' & collectively seeking to destroy, remove or conquer anything unlike them.  While the pursuit of dreams are held by most as an unobtainable carrot on a string (always just a few feet ahead), in reality we are beaten down & trained to accept mediocrity.  We are actually taught a comfortable life that fits in (even if you on some level are a slave to that which you hate) is to be applauded.  




Now I’m sure many of you who were planning to qualify for and attend this International Championship (that we just hosted in Omaha, Nebraska) are having second (or third and fourth) thoughts right about now.  If I know our International and National equestrian governing bodies, at this very moment they are thinking up other venues and locations to host this event (as far away from the MIddle East as possible) or planning on withdrawing or canceling the event all together.  


Well, I’m here to throw in my vote and exclaim DO NOT DO THAT.  Very little happens on the global stage by coincidence.  Saudi Arabia is the perfect location for one of our sport’s title events next year.  The world needs World Cup Championships and the Olympic Games right now, more than ever.  Especially in or near the Middle East.      


Assuming things go as I have been led to envision, this April the strongest & bravest of US show jumping horseman & their equally capable horses will show up in April (preferably with me in a position of ground support I have more than earned on multiple levels) to demonstrate to this world that goodness & strength & the pursuit of excellence is not deterred by acts & threats of annihilation.  Light shines through & life always presses forward.  


 The competition levels that require a risking of life & limb, particularly while harnessing the power and honesty of nature on a daily basis, will face & cut through whatever darkness is required to demonstrate & stand for who & what we are.  And hopefully to inspire others to do the same.




This past year I discovered even more intimately and intensely (in spite of 40 years as a financial underdog in the sport of show jumping) what it is to sacrifice for a great creation. To help grow something from youth, and in spite an egotistical lack of acknowledgement while using resources you have provided almost by grace to them, still yourself feeling proud as they succeed.  


And even after a complete slight and even alignment with (and control by) the enemy, still coming to their rescue when you know exactly what it is they need to succeed in the face of certain failure, simply because on some level they are your creation.  You want to see them reach their fullest potential because 'it is good.' 


And your main motivation wasn't recognition … you are just being who you are & it is a natural act of love, beyond anything else.   But when those gifts and sacrifices are ignored & ego takes over … running & flaunting the victories as if they were accomplished without the support of an underlying force … it results in a lie & deception that's profoundly disrespectful (& even dangerous). Because of the power it affords ego, & the fact that only when we know we need to seek the light, can we find it. And it just plain SUCKS for that which gave … if I may be so blunt.  


Sometimes the only way you recognize his/her power to give life is when he/she allows it to be taken in an attention grabbing manner.  I believe every soul's experience in Israel-Platestine's recent War on some level was spiritually agreed to prior to coming to this world.  Both sides of this small but holy land sacrificed to WAKE THE WORLD UP.


This planet does NOT belong to humankind.  We have not created one drop of sand … nor do any of us REALLY own a single foot of ground. It was ALL created & given by the grace of God.  


We've done some good things with what we've been given … the construction of amazing buildings & machines … the ability to travel & communicate across great distances … the means to understand & extend & enhance the life of almost every living biology.  I believe spirit is well pleased with much of our accomplishments. 


HOWEVER, none of it would have happened without the proper beginning & the ongoing never ending support of a higher power.  And when our egos begin to consistently ignore that fact, to the point that we can no longer even hear our own inner voices and higher souls, we've grown a little too dangerously big for our britches, & something needs to be done. Enter MAJOR reality check … you guys are not even close to having it all figured out.  




Let's start with this blade of truth.  How simple would it be for our own governments to begin to develop a little ego control themselves, by demonstrating how quickly this conflict could be ended if the good guys would actually work together to create a win-win?


Rather than invading Gaza, why don't you swallow your hatred (as a chosen people of God might be expected to), open a border, & allow the civilian Palestinians thru to be cared for?  I'm sure you have a pretty good idea of the difference between a Hamas soldier & a family. And I'm sure the Palestinian civilians who are just trying to survive will put aside their hatred to walk through a safe corridor with any form of refuge and kindness on the back side.  Then we can start to separate the innocent from the guilty while minimizing bloodshed.  & what will be left behind is Hamas. Then an invasion by those with the most obvious warranted cause and motivation to eradicate this threat to all of world peace will be justifiable.     


Countries of the world … can you really not handle what by my estimation is about 5 millionish displaced Palestinian civilians?  Take these people in … help them … show them kindness.  Yes, they allowed a corrupt blood thirsty government to run them … but for the disenfranchised & disempowered that's not such an easy problem to remedy alone.  


They've been to hell & back.  Share your God given (& still God owned btw) resources.  For once demonstrate to your creator you have the right to continue governing (& maybe there will be a few less future earthquakes, draughts & hurricanes as our mother grows more and more determined to remove you from this planet.)


And since the Middle East can't seem to figure it out (no offense guys, the truth hurts) let's do what the West did for the Jews & give the Palestinians a state of their own, minus the terrorist organization & the rubble.  Let's globally get rid of the obvious bad guys in Gaza, create a landscape folks actually want to inhabit, & give these people the ability to truly freely & democratically run their own government & country (as all of us in the know &/or not born into great wealth & status yearn for).  


For those Palestinians that want to come back, they can be highly yet fairly vetted, regarding any violent terrorist inclinations.  If murdering or blowing up children strikes you as an acceptable solution to your political problems and ambitions, you don’t get to EVER come back (or exist on this planet at all if most of the sane inhabitants have anything to say about it.) 


How hard is that?  & I'm not even a PhD!  I’m just a horse trainer with an engineering degree & a common horse sense take on how to rather simply engineer a solution to a problem that's been plaguing one of this world's most highly esteemed holy lands for a long time.  All we have to do is put our egos aside, love & empathize with our common man regardless of race & culture, & do the right thing to the extent we are capable of.  If you can’t hunt or kill animals, don’t eat meat; and if you have a hard time executing horrendous evil demon possessed greedy (as it turns out, there's a surprise) bad guys, don’t join the Israeli Army anytime soon.  


How do you think your creator would feel about that?  I bet if you gave him a choice between a pile of churches or synagogues or mosque’s visited every once in a while (preaching love and peace non threateningly to ego’s power, without actually solving any real problems); or a solution that would prevent the mutilation and murder of one more single innocent child regardless of race (much less hundreds or thousands of them), he would be willing to forgo every religion & temple of worship on the planet. 


I mean come on … are you good guys or egomaniacs pretending?  It's time we begin to find out … because the clock is ticking for those sitting on the fence and quietly and comfortably pondering as all of this is unfolding right beneath their very noses.     

In Conclusion


Regardless of recent & ongoing power grabs, this world is not going to be ruled by evil (spirit will allow it to self implode before it lets that happen). 


Out of control human ego is a destructive force, not a creative one.  And as long as we have the understanding to genuinely discern the good light energies from the bad dark energies (the ultimate challenge) & fearlessly stand true to who & what we genuinely spiritually are, we will globally put an end to the escalating mayhem.


And finally, with spiritually led focus, we will create a world in which ALL of God's children have the opportunity to feel and be safe. 

September 2023 Blog; 'Greater Lakes Equestrian Festival Tournament of Champions in Traverse City, MI - Week 1

Chapter 1



Well … we made it & this is definitely not the same Flintfields Horse Park Cradilo & I competed at 10 plus years ago.  The grand prix ring is in the same basic spot (though I believe its turned 180 degrees now, or doubled in size) but beyond that this is a whole new facility.  I’ll tell you what … it is absolutely gorgeous.  Probably the nicest horse show grounds I've ever seen.


  I’d say other than Kentucky horse park’s stadium & their piles of permanent stalls & turnout (granted no small things), they may even have Lexington beat.  Its a big show … with 8 possible competition rings & at least 10 stall tents plus Fei stabling.  But it's laid out in a manner that feels cozy (without being crowded). I can easily walk the grounds (in part because stabling management was kind enough to put me close to the rings; thanks guys!) which I do sooo appreciate.


The grand prix ring is absolutely decked out to the nine.   The spectator area (non & VIP) is fully covered & running the full length of two sides with live flowers everywhere; a bar (even a pool table) & great furniture scattered throughout.  I actually fell asleep watching the ring yesterday on an outdoor couch lounger full of cushions.  It's simply a very smart, thoughtful & elegantly designed facility.  


My favorite part is the plethora of schooling rings … by far the most I have ever seen at any show.  Big, beautiful, manicured, interesting rings (one with a full course of schooling jumps) scattered all over throughout the horse show.  I suppose some of them are show rings during bigger weeks; but it's fantastic that they are all open & available for use.  I feel like I went on a trail ride today (which is nice if you get ring sour like I do); but really I just went around the horse show playing find all the rings if you can.


Of course sadly, no one is perfect.  & since I believe part of the reason this blog has become popular is my determination to throw favoritism & politics to the wind & speak the unbridled truth, I’m afraid I can't give management an A+ on everything so far.  


I was a little annoyed at the beginning of the week as naturally I came in late-ish Tuesday (though it was still daylight & I had plenty of time to ride so early for me) & apparently the jumper show ring closes at 4pm for schooling.  


However, the program states all rings but the international grand prix ring will be open to ride in up to a half an hour before the show starts. So I thought no worries on arriving Tuesday evening. I’ll just get up before daylight tomorrow & show Nia the ring then.  (And by the way, announcers, its Nia Ace as in Niall, not Neal.  Or as in Nia and Ia were here.  You rarely got her Dad's name right, and I'm going to get something out of this blog damn it!  Thanks!)


So I’m on the horse at the ring an hour before the classes start & guess what? … it's still closed.  Hmmm … I don't get to show her the ring at all (other than sneaking a single walk around before they could throw us out) … that kind of sucks & is going to seriously test my sensitive greenish mare’s courage.


After a little digging I discover THE NON GRAND PRIX JUMPER RING IS OPEN ON TUESDAY FROM 8-4 (ONLY).  If you have a green jumper & you prefer to not risk humiliating yourself all week, get your butt in there early on pre horse show day.  


Ah whatever; it wouldn't be a top horse show without logistical challenges (that have the potential to land you in the hospital) … especially if you are a newcomer to that venue.  


Welcome to one of the toughest sports on the planet.  As I’ve learned the very hard way it's not just the horses you have keep a close eye on.  When it comes to show ring access sometimes I wonder why I even bother reading the the programs (& that goes for many if not most of the shows I've been to, not just this one).  


Chapter 2


Fortunately, the courses in the Polk arena that I rode in by Tommy Brawley (FEI level 2) …. were well designed. (You will never read a horse show blog by me that doesn't involve this fundamental & what I find to be most interesting topic).  Don't get me wrong … they were always challenging as you would expect if the words FEI are on the program or the course designers name.  


A one stride triple (both strides long) combo on day two in the secondary jumper ring tells you this guy is not playing around.  If they had not consistently pulled some of those combos out for the lower classes I'd be scratching the idea of possibly bringing a never ever rated showing stallion.  But the course on Saturday was a blast … one of those rare interesting designs that you look forward to riding (especially if you are selling) because you know if you can handle it, it's going to seriously show off the talent of your horse and their ability; with many long gallops & turns back to technical jumps.  


And although I didn't get to watch the grand prix ring nearly as much as I wanted to (as my mare was asking for & needing a lot of singular attention) the courses looked solid.  I'm guessing most would say they were just about the right level of difficulty for the first of three weeks of FEI level competition.  I'm sure they’ll be getting harder; cause if you start out at Mach 10 there is nothing to build up to.


Chapter 3


Of course I watched Sunday's Grand Prix from start to finish. For me, rather than witnessing a battle between horse & rider I saw a battle between styles; which I have given a great deal of thought to in recent months.  


I noticed several of the riders were using a distinctly longer rein & a deeper, more driving ride (upper body leaning back at the base of the jump, seat in the saddle more, stronger contact, etc).  I also noticed this style hands down won (top three placings).  Sam parrot (who won this class & I believe the other two FEIs), Francisco Mollett, and Ali Wolf rode with a distinctly longer rein.  & even Margie (Engle) had quite a long rein & was back on that handsome flashy chestnut of hers; whose coloring & markings I happen to love:); though I'm not sure if she has much of a choice on that big boy.  


But that’s been my ongoing point.  Having the versatility to give your horse whatever ride it not only needs, but that makes it happy.  Because happy horses jump well & do it for a long time.  


Which is the reason you see some really smart trainer-riders doing whatever it takes to keep their horses happy.  Because while it takes years & years & years to make a top show jumper (if you are lucky), they can be completely undone in the blink of an eye.  So if you’ve already had a couple of rails & find a bad distance to a tough triple at the end of the course (like Jonathan M. did) to me pulling up is every bit as much a sign of horsemanship as winning the class.  Or if like Chris E., your horse has a rail at the second jump & you felt something that seriously concerns you because you know how your horse feels when they are good, stopping and putting your horse before ambition or ego is the ultimate sign of horsemanship.  Ego control that preserves the horses that are giving us everything has to be as important as winning.  & when I see those decisions regularly made at the highest level  I'm reminded of why I'm sitting there spectating & spending hours writing about it when I should probably be sitting on a horse.  


 If I show up with Junior this week (my top horse, who has been jumping great at the farm but again has had a rough summer & has only been in real work for a month) & I decide he can be pushed a little for a bigger class possibly even in the grand prix ring; if I feel anything off (rail or bad distance or not) I guarantee I'll be pulling up instantly.  


& I could care less about anyone's opinion on the matter.  Which has gotten me in trouble in the past with clients & potential buyers (& I know there are many pros who have experienced the same thing) but it is our job to educate folks on the fact that these animals are not machines.  They must come first, before prizes & dollars.


Anyway, back to the grand prix.

I also saw some good, what I'm assuming to be up & coming riders really helping their horses at the base of the jump with seat, body weight & a strong connection, but creating a fight by riding in this deeper style with an ultra short rein.  


Which makes it much more likely that when the horse comes up it will hollow rather than lift thru the back.  If they would give their frame a little relief & breathing room with even a slightly longer rein all that drive & lift could stay elastic & connected as they come up more naturally & correctly from underneath. Rather than risking locking or hollowing their back & (in terms of connection) & breaking them in half by pulling straight up (which the shorter rein demands) while forcing them into an ultra short & thus tight, unforgiving (which mean inelastic) frame.  & the hotter blooded the horse, the less tolerant they tend to be of this.  


I know we are ALL taught we have to lift that front end (& a short often rein does often encourages that.)  When I would ride Momma/Deluca in big classes I would shorten my rein as much as I could & stand & get as light in the saddle as possible, because she was so much lighter than her sire (who trained me to be a deep connected grand prix rider).  So I do get it.


As well being lovely to watch, there are many benefits to a short rein & a light ride (as was demonstrated beautifully by more than one team's effortless bouncing over the jumps first round).  But there are also a pile of benefits to the other style (like the longer rein giving the horse the freedom to really use their necks & thus bodies in the air). 


 I'm just trying to open folks up to the idea of using what's become more my style over the years (1) so that I'm not at times wrongly judged so harshly as I have been and (2) because I KNOW the stronger ride can help us win medals, especially when the horses need a little extra help.  


Chapter 4



Which brings me to another point.  


 I know the recent coaching scenario can be hard to fathom to the point of being somewhat surreal; but it's 100% the truth.  without Amy inserting herself, that recent US bronze world cup championship medal does not happen.  Period end of story.  


& its not luck guys … i know what i'm doing (when it comes to horses & show jumping at least:). i'm not going to repeat myself here again but if u look at the front page of my website … thats a string of events that makes it hard to deny ability (particularly in terms of producing young jumpers). 


Being at the top of national or international standings requires opportunity … & the same way top horses are missed, not every solid or even exceptional horseman has traditionally been granted those opportunities in our sport.  I sold a horse in 2011 (funnily with the same trainer who allowed me to be here) … & jumped on the opportunity to promote my two 5 year old mares. 


 Which led to a three year 1st, 2nd & third streak in the midwest young jumper championships (with two i bred, one of which i trained & rode) & being in the top 10 of those national standings.  That opportunity simply has not been there in regards to the grand prix ring.  For me being in the grand prix ring at all required some serious horsemanship because I had to work with what I had.  Which means I learned to ride the horses in the way that worked for them (because finding a horse that worked with how I rode when I started was not an option). 


And George desperately trying to keep me away & my horses down (to the point that everyone remotely astute is figuring it out) in part by proclaiming we suck (even though he has been saying that forever) is simply demonstrating the opposite is true.  

Chapter 5



Speaking of which; I've got a mare here that im trying to show you guys & find a solid home for that im CONVINCED is a future competitive grand prix horse. like I know given the chance i could have her there in a year.  im not looking to sell my worst horse … im selling what im convinced is (all things considered like soundness, temperament, & the same qualities all my mares have had) the best overall mare I’ve bred … & all my mares have been great in their own proven manner.  


& by the way, Nia Ace performed amazingly this past week.  For a horse that's seen less than two handfuls of any horse show her entire life & has been in serious work less than a month this year, she really killed it.  i was hoping for some decent rounds … i was not expecting to 

be  competitive.  So check out the results & video that will be on facebook if she looks like something you may be interested in.


My gelding you’ll see next week is also available for purchase (for the firm time since he was a young jumper).  He is rock solid up to 1.30m (& we’ve had a couple 1 rail 1.40m small prixs) & i'm convinced he could be in the grand prix ring within months in the right situation.  This one likes a deep ride, but if you learn to ride him you’ll know how to help any horse that needs it … & how to do it well.  In other words you will be a strong, effective rider.  


   Like ive done so many times in the past; im trying to set the right person willing to have a little vision & put the work in up for some serious success (& accomplishment in terms of producing american breds).    


This line is PROVEN & the horseman that created it is telling you these guys are the best of it, and i AM going to let one of them go.    


 In spite of their age (12 & 14 years, mare & gelding respectively) both are low mileage in the show ring. The Irish horses are known for being slow growing & at their best as teenagers (Flexible winning the World Cup at 16 years).   


I got my hands on their sire Cradilo as a 13 year old.  He saw his first rated show in January of his 14 year old year & was in the grand prix ring by late that summer. (basically from scratch in terms of show jumping; a few weeks with me as a four year old learning to jump & a month or two with kevin B. a few years later … that's it) & he lasted with a green rookie grand prix rider there for 5 years.  It was borderline miraculous.  


I've thought alot about why this happened with Cradilo & I’m convinced part of the reason was because of his maturity.   Not every horse is ready to take on the world as a baby.  Show jumping at the top pushes them physically, mentally & emotionally.  


Horses, like people, often wise up & focus as the years go by.  They become more self aware & self contained … they know who they are & if they have received some consistent solid training here & there they are often more confident & settled in their body.  This sport’s tendency to want to overlook age is a mistake in my opinion.


in terms of what cradilo & i produced, If you are at the top of the five & six year olds yjc three years in a row (where were the US breeder awards back in 2012-2014?!) you have a cross that is seriously working for producing open jumpers.  & it was not hard for fatima & chanel … they made it look easy (who nia & junior are anywhere from half to full siblings to … & then of course there is their other half sister Momma who ultimately just helped us win a medal).  


In terms of the young jumpers (which i absolutely love watching when i can by the way) for that age to jump that big & technical in huge venues at the crazy speed required to be in the top ribbons of that division requires sheer talent & heart.  Because they are too young to be properly developed (which takes years).  So to even be there getting around you have to be sitting on a naturally potentially great horse & be quite a sophisticated trainer & rider yourself (because there is very little room for error).   


The point is depending on the breed & horse, the young jumper division may not be the best thing in the world for long term soundness, but it is definitely a serious test & measurement of a breeding program's ability to produce top open show jumpers.  If they are succeeding around the courses & especially if they are in the top ribbons; they are INCREDIBLY naturally talented.  They have powerful scope, speed, a desire to leave the rails up & bravery … all built right in.  


Chapter 6



What I want first & foremost is what I've always wanted.  in spite of the unusual path that ultimately brought me here (which has simply given me another VALID perspective); i want to b understood (or at the very least acknowledged) as an upper level pro who clearly has produced multiple great horses, & has developed a breeding line of jumpers that works extremely well. & then simply to enjoy, enhance & preserve the sport like anyone else who appreciates the power & beauty of connecting this intensely (as is required by jumping) with a horse.  


Because this is not just a playground for the privileged few.  It's too hard & dangerous to be just that.  There's more happening here … this sport has a purpose in this world.  Its the reason we are all called to it so strongly (you don't see too many good kind of in or kind of out open jumper riders).  


The darkness our sport has been under the thumb of (no matter how nicely its been disguised or what resources have been behind it) has rattled a whole lot of folks … the entire industry really in my opinion.  


But it's over … in part because i have a blog folks are reading & most are hopefully enjoying. & because i'm obviously not afraid to call out the b.s. that contradicts the code of conduct USEF been at least TRYING to put forward & encourage. 


 & there are others at the top of this sport who feel the same way i do … thank god.  Because my horses & i can not do this alone.  So let's learn from the past, clean things up, & bring the honor back (which top horsemen are SUPPOSE to embody anyway).  


Traditionally, for thousands of years we were the elite warriors.  I believe part of the reason we do this (striding on to the battlefield of a tough course & galloping up to danger in the form of a ginormous fence, on our trusted equally brave partner) is to preserve & keep alive that history.  The history of being true & courageous enough to take on bad guys from the top of a horse.


Forever in society it was 'Don't tread on me’; or we’ll bring out the heavy ammunition … the horseman.  Because they are our best team fighters.  The knights of old; the horsemen the kings relied on to do the heavy lifting that would save the kingdom were not traditionally the peasants; they were the wealthy AND the strong.  Occasionally an average citizen like me would come along, knock everyone socks off (perhaps win & or survive an epic battle or two) & be knighted; but that was rare.   


However the story of king arthur & the knights of the round table wouldn't be a very admired one if they were using their power to hurt & keep down the good guys.  without honesty & honor for the animals & their people (you need both or the animals will be collateral damage) we are just another primitive gang of thugs; & no amount of money or physical elegance changes that simple fact. And in our current world there is nothing particularly special or exceptional about that.  


 But if we can work towards making this industry good on every level, both seen & unseen (as in we love & care beautifully for our horses, we accomplish amazing things with them, AND we are fair & honest with each other so that the entire experience builds & enhances the lives of those not wreaking havoc); then this sport is a beacon of light & it will influence the world for the better. & in short order it will be even more enjoyable to participate in, I promise. As naive as it may sound to some, I truly believe that is the reason we are all here.  


As I love this work & these competitions we do, I care about the industry's future.  I don't want to see it torn apart the way my family has irreparably been (granted if it had been on firmer ground it wouldn't have happened) over a battle that should have been done & put behind us long ago.  


So I'm not going to hold on to grudges or fears regarding who is potentially working against who in what way, or who did in the past.  i am well aware of the very real danger of incurring the wrath of george; & the value of staying on his good side.  So I understand the position many pros have been in.  & if i've ridden under you or you've helped me at some point in the sport im even more forgetful of some of the crap that has been happening & surrounding this situation.  


But, that doesn't mean i wont call you oout publicly so this sport can become a little more transparent & honest in the manner top sportsman & horseman (those partnering with an animal that only communicates honestly) should be.  

Chapter 7



So being back has made quite an impact.  Thank god for Mondays because I needed a minute to absorb it all.  For a while there i was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to see an FEI level horse show in person again.  I was even feeling kind of emotional at the opening American Anthem for the Grand Prix & i'm pretty sure thats the first time i've ever been brought to tears just being at & spectating an event.  


I realized last week looking back on the past five years (that I've basically been away) what the blog has meant to me.  It hasn’t just been about trying to explain our situation & exposing the illegal injustice of it all; but its been about staying connected in whatever way I could.  By sharing what I've learned … & using the humor i've been clinging to my entire life to ultimately survive it all.


This show though has been a breath of fresh air on many levels. So far i've felt welcomed & well cared for & there really has been no ‘hating’ that i'm aware of or care about at least.  I took a gamble coming up here (when there were a myriad of other options) but it felt like the direction my inner compass was guiding me to & thankfully im beginning to feel the rightness of the move.

New Blog (August 2023); 'We are still alive … just in case you were wondering.  Here’s broadly what’s up and what’s next … ' 

George Morris (after hundreds of pages of online defamation that links back directly to him thru past clients & their and his attorneys), completely freaked my family out & influenced them to make some highly abusive, ungrateful, uncaring decisions that ultimately led to me not emotionally holding up. Finally, after decades of George’s public false character assisination & constant manipulation of my career & the ending of multiple beneficial relationships in all sorts of creative ways; when he reached right into my backyard & fully bought the little county of Vernon I lived in for 20 years in terms of judges & DAs & whatever else his hidden money & influence trickled down to, he found the straw that broke the camel’s back.    


And if the US justice system does it, it must be right … so almost everyone else followed suit with the deceit based local witch hunt.  Which ultimately led to my animals being severely neglected-borderline abused. And me & a close recently renewed long time friend (just retired from the military) convinced, enough to take quick action, that they were trying to lock me up. Which they accomplished for two weeks; almost six months (if a George bribed doctor no doubt hadn’t been caught red handed by me, nurses, my attorney & the out of county judge); falsifying a medical evaluation regarding me that never happened; so they could also steal & or destroy my horses.  


Thankfully, a few good friends & solid horseman helped to get all of us out of there asap, by engaging in the easiest & kindest sale I’ve ever experienced.  Plus giving this granted lovely versatile treasured horse, but sort of the polar opposite of sale ready, a great home.  (And

 if you have spent more than 3 seconds on the US grand circuit & have ever stuck around for the winners circle you know the names Lisa & Mary, who purchased him).  If not for them this story would have a much different ending.  Which was the exact goal of the escalating (in exact response to the growing proof of what my horses and I are capable of) egomaniacal evil we have been forced to deal with for decades; no doubt.


But, as it turns out, I do have real & powerful friends myself.  Which makes me kind of hard to snuff out … even with unlimited resources & a society many have bought into that appears at times to ethically be completely for sale (regardless of right or wrong) at every turn.  And if our sport does anything (beyond being incredibly challenging & at times frustrating) … it demands & hones strength … emotional as well as physical.  


Anyway, the moral of the story I’m presenting here is, if you are lying, or accusing the innocent of things THEY DID NOT DO, you are obviously under the influence (of ego, & not the good kind).  And if you are using your societal status (property, age, career, familial relation, etc) to convince others these lies are true, you are operating at an even higher level of manipulation & deceit.


If you are encouraging & enjoying genuine innocent horsemans abuse, then you are encouraging the horses in their charge’s abuse (all their animals really) & you are not fit to be called a horseman (or an animal lover of any kind really).  Horsemanship without ethics is a carnival ride for the ego … there is no real pursuit of excellence in feeding corruption.  It's simply putting on an image and a front that is not real … no different than wearing a mask.  


So we have groups of people aligning & working together to protect their unethical immoral decisions & reputations (& justifying their WRONG behavior in any way they can) & the darkness just deepens & grows.


The problem with being influenced by out of control ego is often those under its strongest grip aren’t even aware of how disconnected they are, or what it is that is actually running their decisions & lives. They surround themselves with beauty & what appears to be stable productive societally accepted life & everyone (including themselves) assumes they must be on a good path.  


Only the full truth … which we will ALL eventually come to … heals & frees from the pain this scenario creates, & the damage to the innocent it inflicts.  If you find yourself afraid of that bright light of the truth … it SHOULD be pretty obvious which team you're playing for.  


If you know you’ve been lying & inflicting & supporting damage & you are not afraid of that truth, you are operating at an even higher level of arrogance, that has blinded you to reality.  You are like a little kid who has been getting away with stealing $ out of their parents cookie jar, & thinking they're rich as a result.  The higher unseen powers that be know … they are just waiting & watching to see what you are all about when you think no one is aware.  


At any rate, it doesn't (or shouldn't) take a group or a major investigation to pull back the cover over this carefully crafted charade.  But ego is so deeply embedded in our society; damaging misinformation & manipulation of truths is such a common & accepted method of operation; that many can't seem to (or dont want to) see thru the murky fog to the reality of the situation.  


The TRUTH (& those not afraid to speak & live it) is the single most threatening thing that exists to those gripped & living by ego.  Just sitting quietly & accepting falsely based attacks is exactly what this group wants.  We (ego) will speak (& say whatever falsehoods we want) … & you wont (sound familiar?; have you ever been in a courtroom falsely accused?). 


It is the ultimate form of dominance.  & if you accept it because you don't want the fight or are afraid of your reputation being smeared (or even worse) you are helping to put darkness in charge.  This world was created by the light from truth.  Like the sun, the light will sustain it.  Too much darkness & eventually everything withers away & dies.  It's just common sense guys … observe & get to know nature in a real way.  Egos method of management, no matter how well hidden, is not sustainable.  


Piles of people have had the wool pulled over their eyes.  They think because they are comfortable, they are safe.  This world is wounded … & only exposure & light will heal it.  And if we don't start to scrub & expose that wound now, we're going to discover our world (like I just discovered about my corrupt little past home) is so infected we have to amputate to save it … if it's salvageable.  


All is not well here on planet earth (most are not living anything close to heaven on earth).  We can make it well … but ego will not like what it's going to take, & like my animals & I, everyone connected will have to get their hands dirty & take risks & on some level fight back.  


Anyway, as I've said before, we are in a time when sides are being drawn.  My life right now is demonstrating how to recognize those sides at a very deep & intimate level & to drop bad guys (& those presenting themselves in undeniable ways as bad guys) like a bad habit.  Jesus said (in multiple places) I have come to bring a sword  (not peace) & to divide families.  That means simply aligning with the light of the truth & the creative source of life is more important than ANY HUMAN RELATIONSHIP. 


So thanks to the major curve ball thrown our way & what our summer has looked like, for me to  continue to put my truth out there, this blog has had to be a little heavy.  Hopefully, after the next three weeks at the Traverse City Tournament of Champions show, I'll be inspired to get back to my comically insightful horse show coverage many of you seem to enjoy reading (or at least feel you have to read to be on the cutting edge:).  I would certainly be surprised if I wasn't inspired. 


So, the folks in horse show land will be seeing my horses & I again soon.  I’m going to pre warn you though … we have just come thru hell … every one of us together … & we're still sort of licking our wounds as we're trying to pull it together (& if you doubt the stress my horses have undergone as well just observe some of their tails & necks. Last year & their entire life all have had cresty necks & most full tails … & this year poof … a few months of stressful what’s happening to us hell, & where did they go?)


Anyway, there will definitely be no 1.30m classes this time around (George, mission accomplished again; you can relax for now) but from my perspective just us showing up at all, for a few competitive weeks I’ve been wanting to catch for a while now, is nothing short of a minor miracle. 


 However, we are not coming for our health.  I’ll be pushing a sale horse and riding my tail off to demonstrate her as nicely as possible, all things considered. I’ll also be available for a little coaching in exchange for some ringside help or payment (who here likes winning International medals?, and learning from a breeder-trainer-Grand Prix rider whose multiple young jumpers have won everything and whose horses have influenced some of the top riders in the world?); and I’ll be watching a lot of classes as I have time.  It has been almost a year again since I’ve been to a horse show (though I certainly may as well have been at a few big show days this Spring.) 


Anyway, maybe (depending on how things go) I’ll finally bring forward an exciting Flexible-Cradilo stallion you guys have yet to meet.  Losing care of my horses for close to six weeks; not to a good home & the income required to support a professional and their animals to pursue this; but to darkness, was the single most disempowering situation I have ever found myself in.  


And this stallion in particular, like me, took quite an identity hit when Mom disappeared (for the first time ever in his life); and there were no deeply caring horseman anywhere to be seen.  Just sort of a haphazardly thrown together I guess we’ll see if we can maybe keep the animals alive just barely while the powers that be (who obviously could pretty much care less) torture the owner to keep George happy and his checks flowing.   Thankfully, like all the Irish stallions I’ve known  … Flash is demonstrating the heart, will and resilience to eventually overcome whatever can be thrown at him.  But it's definitely taking a minute and a whole lot of reassurance that all is well.  


So it’s life in a human world that hasn’t yet figured itself out … you get hit (under the belt) … pivot … regroup & here we go again.  You either bounce back stronger or fade away.  The second alternative feels to me like losing to a side anyone with half a concept of long term preservation knows we ultimately really do not want running things (no matter how powerful, tenacious & convincing they can be).  Sometimes in this game just showing up to play or to be a part of it at any level is a win.  


And once again … in their own way the horses & the horseman that truly know & honor them save us.  Helping us to demonstrate clearly, repeatedly over time, the undeniable truth of who we are (like it or not).  And then there are the folks that seem to like to use the power of that truth & clarity when it’s needed to get things done, & then throw it away & pretend as if they never benefited from it.  But every single one of us eventually always comes back around to facing the reality of what’s up.


True top horsemanship just brings us there a little faster.  So saddle up guys … no one gets here without some form of sacrifice.  Let’s enjoy the experience (I know I will) & see what truths life has to teach us from the top of a horse (@ the top of a jump) this time around!:)

July 2023; The Back but not the same blog ... 
The Journey to becoming an Equestrian Shaman

Hey guys … 
So I know there are a lot of questions no doubt circling around me and my horses right now.  First, I want to apologize … for any posts or text or comments you may have seen or received that may have concerned you.  If I had been given the opportunity, I would have explained everything online within about 3 days.  
But, as I’ve said before, I believe this world is engaged in energetic and spiritual warfare, and things are climaxing a bit.  Good guys that are making noise and creating change, especially without the right kind of support, are a target.  Frankly it has been that way for thousands of years.  But in this modern age, it is kind of hard for me to even wrap my mind around the level of an almost total squashing of my rights by the U.S. Government I have been subjected to over the past couple of weeks.  
But, when the local government is for sale, and you have a few powerful billionaires wanting to end you and steal all that’s yours, then I guess my resultant situation should not be that big of a surprise.  These guys trying to run me over under the guise of the law is not shocking … it’s how easily they are actually accomplishing and getting away with it that’s surprising the heck out of me.  
If you were to call me religious (I prefer the term spiritual) you could say I am both a Christian and a Nature Spiritualist.  We all know what Christianity is, supposedly.  Native people’s spirituality is older than Christianity.  It is based on healing and God seeking practices that are very intimately tied with mother earth and nature.  And the particular shaman I studied under, Bill Humphrey, also often included the Light of Christ into his healing practices.  Shaman’s practice soul retrieval, journeying, energy work for healing (including Chakra work) and a great deal of various styles of meditation.  A guided vision quest is the ultimate graduate ceremony for a shaman in training.  I was encouraged multiple times to participate in one, but the thought of days in the woods with very little to no food, sleep or water was not appealing so I declined.  
Anyway, about two and a half weeks ago I was plugging along living my normal life of chores, part time work and riding/training when I was very suddenly hit, like a bolt of lightning, by an unasked or prepared for Native American Style VISION QUEST.  
During a healing session with Bill, as he was trying to help me find ways to cope with Niall’s sudden death, he returned from a journey and told me I was an individual with one foot in both worlds.  I remember being confused by the statement and assuming he meant praying or talking to spirit was a little easier for me, or perhaps my head was in the clouds a bit more.  I now believe it means I can literally see normal life and an alternate reality at the same time, because I experienced it during the vision quest.  
So for days I barely ate or slept or drank, though I did keep my animals close and take care of them non stop (as I have to believe they were what was grounding me to the real world, partially at least); as I felt immersed in an alternate apocalyptic reality with me as the central figure.  I posted and commented and texted as I felt I was being told by spirit to do.  And I was 100% clear on my normal animal care routine, but it was like there was this other world and series of events pressing down on and overlaying my normal life.    
I have a sense of some of what I said and wrote … and I suppose I could check it out now but I really don’t want to go there quite yet (we’ll save that for a future blog perhaps).  Most of it I don’t remember … and honestly guys … it was like I was visiting another universe (Dr. Strange style).  
Psychiatrists say nervous breakdowns can be described as the mind undergoing something similar to a circuit overload (too much electrical input … initiate shutdown!)  Our minds, like any physical machine, can only handle so much stress and electrical input.  And I’m (just barely) here to tell you, seeing an apocalyptic alternate reality comes with an energetic punch.  I was definitely a tad disoriented and as Dr. Olson (my new favorite psychiatrist) likes to say … ‘we call that delusional Amy.’  Two weeks in a psych ward and a daily doctor visit comes with its perks … you definitely learn a new thing or two about yourself.  
You know, just in the less than 24 hours I’ve been a free woman and talking to a couple of friends, I’m surprised to discover many people have a story similar to mine (though its not something any of us really want to talk about.)  Mental health issues are kind of par for the course in our society it turns out.  I managed to go 53 years without letting one push me over the edge (and I’m hoping to go another 53 years).  And I just can’t help but feel it isn’t a coincidence considering the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ blog I recently wrote.  Whether its George and friends (my first gut … though I’ll let you be the judge after you’ve heard the entire story) or the universe, it’s awfully coincidental a few weeks after I write that I’ve never had a problem … boom … I have a problem.  

Anyway, you guys received one apology, but beyond that I’m not going to be held responsible for a few words you may have received or read.  You can blame God … he is the one who shot the bolt of lightening straight to my head and he was the guidance and the voice I was listening to.  I’m sure there is a reason he wanted that particular story put out in that jolting and attention getting manner.  I’m not sure what it is.  But like we’ve all heard so many times before ‘Don’t kill (or lock up and attempt to destroy the entire life of) the messenger.’   Especially before you fully understand the message.  
The way I see it (and as I hear it from spirit) I am now the hard earned graduate of a very powerful spiritual nature based program that I have passed (maybe not A+ but I’ll give myself a solid B- because I’m still standing).  And I am going to accept that I am now ordained as an official Shaman.  ‘Amy the Equestrian Shaman’ … that has a nice ring to it.  And I will carry that title with me for the rest of my life; because I doubt there is a real shaman on the planet (who can journey and find out from themselves) who would disagree with that assessment.  

As for details on the vision itself, there will be future blogs coming on that subject.  For now I’m just trying to catch you guys up a little with what happened, and more importantly what I learned from it, and focus on what is required for my horses and I to take the next steps forward.  It took me 2-3 days to fully come out of that experience.  Right now I just see it as a story with me as a front and center character, that spirit wanted out there, at whatever cost.  For YOU to be influenced by individually as you so feel inclined.  Now if St. Petersburg, Russia falls into the ground before the end of the month, I’ll have to revisit that assessment regarding the meaning of my vision quest.  

The biggest message I take away from it and this experience, is it is time for courageous change.  It’s time to clean house.  We need to clean the house of our minds, the house of our families, of our communities and eventually our country.  Out of control ego (OOCEGO) has to be exposed and seen for what it is, and if folks refuse to rein that part of themselves in and are breaking the law in particular (even something seemingly as small as perjury, assuming it’s not a mistake, as court is stressful for ALL of us) they HAVE to be held accountable.  And the accountability needs to fit the crime (not the one with the most property or liquid cash or the right attorney).  Its innocent UNTIL proven guilty … not you are guilty and now we are going to find a way to prove it (especially if you are innocent because that makes us look bad).  Because the ONLY way to win spiritual warfare is with clarity and the truth.  And right now, the place I’ve been living in, from my perspective is hands down losing that battle.  

Fortunately, the place I’ve been living the last two weeks, Gunderson Lutheran Behavioral Health, in LaCrosse, WI is overall winning that fight for the light.  I met so many wonderful health care providers.  And other than me not wanting to be there and being EXTREMELY worried about and missing my animals; the facility, the agenda of never ending healing activities and opportunities (fitness, outside garden and sports and chalk drawing, meditation, indoor relaxation room, on and on and on); and the wonderful healers of every age truly does provide a bubble of healing strength and self empowerment.  I felt more consistently cared about over days on end than I have in a long time.  It wasn’t perfect (someday I’ll tell you the story of one doctor and medical fraud) and I still had no desire to stay.  As this experience has shown me even more intensely … my animals, the outdoors and freedom are fundamental to me.   But if I was going to have to be  locked up, that was the place to do it.  While I was a correctional officer I thought I knew what jail was.  I have a whole new appreciation for it now … but again … we’ll talk more about that later (I have a lot of blogs written and ready to be typed up as I am so inspired and have time.)

The point is, while there I had a fascinating conversation with Alicia during her meditation class. Alicia has a bachelors in psychology and is working on her masters in social work.  We were going quite in depth into our favorite authors and teachers regarding new age medicine and psychiatry and techniques for seeing and dealing with the ever illusive ego.  I mentioned a technique I’ve recently developed that represents a combination of two concepts, and she was like, ‘I’ve never heard of that before, where did you learn that!?’  And I told her the truth.  It was my own creation that I hadn’t even blogged about yet.  

Alicia strongly encouraged me to teach it as soon as possible.  So even though this topic doesn’t necessarily fit in with this blog, I’m going to go ahead and stick it in here (and you guys can go back and read previous blogs on ego if you need some context).  

As I’ve said many times before we all have those two voices in our head; that of ego and that of spirit.  Or you can think of it as the angel or the devil on each shoulder.  If you are seeking a deep, clear connection with God, you have to be able to decipher between those two voices.  

Ego (or Satan) as Jesus said, comes disguised as an angel of light.  Reverend Michael Beckwith (of calls it ‘a virus of the mind.’  What I’ve learned searching my heart’s mind and my head’s mind, wanting to fully control and minimize every aspect of out of control ego (OOCEGO) … is virus’ and angels in disguise are really hard to distinguish.  Now OOCEGO doesn’t hang out much in the heart (if the heart is open and flowing), but it does spend a lot of time in our heads, even for the very spiritually connected.  That OOEGO will be in the background while they are meditating and praying.  However, the minute they get back to normal life (or even while they are speaking) it can jump right into the foreground of your mind and have momentary control.  
That doesn’t mean you are going to be murdering innocence (which you will do on some level if OOCEGO is running the show); but it does mean that you may be doing things or putting information out there that is not fully true or beneficial to the whole.  
So the method I’ve developed that helps you to quickly and regularly discern what is happening with the energies influencing your mind (i.e. ego and spirit) is as follows.  There is a meditation instructor in the U.S. named Rod Stryker.  Rod teaches a technique called the screen of the mind.  You learn to put up something like an old film white screen background up in your head or just in front of your head while in meditation.  And Rod shows you how to depict colors or to allow images or films from spirit to be put on that screen.  
Because OOCEGO is so tricky (hiding just behind a thin veiled flag of spirit, constantly pretending to be something it’s not and deceiving the whole world really) that without a very consistent defined methodology its almost impossible to discern between the two.  So I line up the two ego energies and the two spirit energies on the white screen of the mind, like little shadow people in a police line up.  I divide it up into four energies (though you could certainly just do dark or light or whatever you want).  

So there is a shadow line up of black or (OOCEGO); blue shadow person (which is the good ego I’ve blogged a lot about; instinct or the need to survive physically (fight, procreate, feel, eat, etc), white angel shadow person which is spirit as in come down from above and green earth shadow person (which is an energy coming from below or the mother).  

So when I do energy clears or chakra clears on myself, animals or people, I use the white light of Christ and the green light of nature.  These are the life giving non ego energies that come from above and below).  And no, I’m not going to teach that incredible valuable technique a skilled master can do from anywhere, that helped Hunter’s mare Pepita stay strong on day 3 of their bronze medal win.  
I’ve been telling you guys … I’ve got some new tools for you.  Not just how to have a stronger lower leg and why it’s important.  Where are my clinics?  Oh yeah, that’s right … I’ve been gone several weeks and probably confused the heck out of more than a few of you.  I was in the same place … apparently God has a sense of humor and figured he’d just boggle the brains out of a bunch of us.  
Anyway, back to shadow people.  So for me, I have to like pull them apart to get them on that police lineup.  Especially OOCEGO, or dark shadow man.  That guy really does not want to be exposed.  He tries to run and hide.  And then I focus on each shadow man with my inner eye, and it’s like shining a bright flashlight.  So I get a little something back, and it’s quick easy insight.  

So lets say I’m thinking spirit, is it wise to use this name in my blog (i.e. I’m asking for guidance like I do about a million times a day, especially lately).  So your mind may jump in with an answer immediately, but where did that answer come from?  I don’t have 10-20 minutes to meditate to try to find out.  I have a pile of stuff to do … I need quick answers coming from the right source.  Enter screen of the mind, line up and focus on each shadow person.  

OOCEGO is saying no, don’t put that name in here, but he’s all crunched down looking weasley and miserable.  I shine my focus a little brighter … poof … and he becomes tiny.  I guess I don’t want to listen to him.  Blue shadow ego, arms crossed standing tall looking like a strong warrior, nodding up and down yes.  With angel shadow I’m getting a gentle head nodding up and down with a smile and a ‘be confident.’  Green shadow is giddy, being silly rolling in the grass saying ‘listen to them’ because this is going to be fun.  
I’ve also learned you can do this lineup for other people.  You can divide up and look at their four shadow people and discern where they are coming from in regards to you.  It’s not a breach of privacy if they are inserting themselves into your life in any way.  It’s no different than doing a background check or reading their body language to get to the truth.  If they don’t want to be observed energetically in this way they will quickly go away.  

And you can read where they were energetically in the past, not just in the present.  You can also see how different peoples egos are interacting for insight.  A common tactic of a big ape like shadow ego is to grab a cut out image of the soul of a person (an image of their good side) and wave it and hold it like a flag in front of ego.  So a husband might take a wife’s flag image and wave it in front of his shadow side to protect his own ego (he has yet to completely rein in) from being seen.  Or a partner who is fully ego controlled may put an image of his good side in front so they behave in a manner many love and want to adore and be with, but in reality this person is not genuinely coming from a good place.  Ego using small pieces of spirit to hide what it really is, is a common tactic.  

Seeing shadow ego, and understanding it, is the best way to learn to control ego.  As you look at it and gain clarity, it will shrink so the other three energies can grow and take control of their person’s life back.  I am of the opinion for now you do not want to remove shadow ego completely (as I suspect if someone really wanted to they could, at least temporarily).  

I’ve just defined the four energies that are working on all of our minds in a way I have never seen before.  It doubt it’s a coincidence I’m having to break free from government enforced lock up to make this information public.  

Regardless of whether any aspects of my vision have any truth to them or not, I have no doubt that this planet is engaged in energetic warfare that is climaxing and coming to a head. And it is impossible to fight and beat an enemy that you do not see or understand.  

Each of these energies are connected to it’s own kind.  All spiritual energy is connected and one and all green nature energies are directly tapped into each other thru the mother.  All blue good ego has the same universal need and mission to survive and to procreate, and communicates with each other to make that happen; particularly within each species.  And all shadow ego has one universal goal, and reaches out to each soul it controls, acting like a ‘virus of the mind’.  

Shadow ego seeks to conquer the world.  Shadow ego hates spirit and the creator and murders and enslaves the innocent and the strong spiritual warriors so it can maintain control with fear.  You can not beat an enemy you do not know or see.  We need shadow ego for now (though well under control and reined in), so we can intuit the plans and the movements of the enemy.  

As to this this technique I’ve shown you … all I can say is it works.  Try it yourself, because we all have a ton of guidance; a direct line to God.  But that connection is the single most threatening thing that exists on this planet to evil.  

And by the way, as an afterthought, don’t think just because it doesn’t come from shadow ego it is going to be 100% true.  God is not a weatherman.  If he gave you all the most probably answers 100% of the time life would be pretty boring.  He’s more like the Oracle in the Matrix.  He’s going to tell you exactly what you need to hear.  To keep you moving in the direction that takes you to where you need to go.  It’s really annoying sometimes.  God is the truth and God knows the truth, but God wants us to trust him and follow his lead … not demand answers that we are not ready to hear.   To win this game you’ve got to learn to be flexible, and take it moment by moment, with one ear tuned above.  

2023 Father's Day Blog
The Story of My Father, Ron Hunter's Military Service (leading a black ops anti terrorist mission) during the 1988 Olympic Games (& a few other little pertinent horsey industry type things thrown in:)

This is my Dad really young, looking pretty handsome.  He and my mother, super model gorgeous in her youth, made quite the couple.  But if you look closely you can see this is someone you probably didn't want to screw with.  

Dad & Korea


My Dad led a successful black ops way way off the books mission that saved lives against a terrorist attack during the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.  I could tell you the name of the general he knew well who ordered him to do it (who later became a Presidential Chief of Staff) & told him it would be completely forever off the record (though I won’t) & I could tell you every detail of the event. 


 Suffice it to say multiple North Korean terrorist teams were infiltrating the Olympic grounds preparing to kill Olympians (& probably spectators as well) just prior to the games. My father was in South Korea for a year in advance, training for the attack the US government seemed certain was coming.  


No U.S. soldiers died in the operations (there were two ops,  a marine officer friend he played golf with led the other one) but EVERY terrorist was executed at the engagement that happened on the Olympic grounds.  There were no prisoners taken because there was to be no evidence of the event that might cause world wide uproar and or panic. 

This is the military funeral we had in June of 2022.  He died in February, but my mom and I just couldn't handle people and public grieving at that point.  So he was cremated as he always wanted, and we waited until June, his birthday and fathers day, to host the military funeral and the celeration of life.  This is my mom Diane and me and my younger sister Laura and brother Ben at the military funeral in Springfield, IL.  

Losing Him

I know this story thoroughly because I had to finally pull  it out of him (after hearing bits and pieces over the years he trusted his oldest child with) and listen to my dad painfully retell it & document it for the Department of Veteran Affairs (along with a few other thousand pages of paperwork my Mom filled out) so  the VA could basically completely ignore helping us financially, until my father was long gone.  


Dad was haunted by it the event his entire life.  He, as the ranking officer, was left with the task of point blank shooting in the head captured young men he assumed had families (probably being manipulated, brain washed & or forced by their corrupt communist government to commit the act) on the Olympic grounds so that some of you could safely enjoy competition & world wide recognition … & the affluence that almost always goes with that level of success.  


It was so bad for him at the end that my mother & I practically joined him physically & emotionally.  While trying to maintain a somewhat normal life & keep a 200 pound man, whose body completely froze up over a years time alive, somewhat functioning & in one piece as long as possible. 


We dealt with him falling down daily for months and months on end, furious & frustrated with his situation to the point of being suicidal, & slowly unable to do anything but to be completely bed ridden & not even be able to talk or drink or eat.  So that it was a relief when he finally just let go & took his last breath while laying in a hospital bed in the small tv room in his farmhouse (with me, my Mom & our CNA Heather there with him … my mother & I sobbing over his body). 


The only other scene I've ever seen or felt like it was watching Niall's mom at the funeral in Lexington holding on to him & uncontrollably wailing (a mother unexpectedly losing her young, AMAZING, physically distant but one of the great joys of her life, I'm sure … son.) It's a feeling and an image one never forgets.  


My mother had to use her OWN money to hire what local help she could afford (again, the angel in human form named Heather) so we could just barely survive the whole ordeal.  This HERO of a lifetime decorated military officer, family man, big hearted horse (& all of nature LOVING) good guy; that the wealthiest country in the world basically financially tossed aside (with his family) at the end.  A man whose father & grandfather served in both World war 1 & 2 & whose grandfather & great grandfather were both Senators & Congressmen in the State of Illinois for decades. 


& we wonder why I don't celebrate veterans day or memorial day? (& I'm a veteran myself technically … tho I'd attribute my real service to this country mostly to what I was put thru moving constantly as a kid, & by what i've done for this sport).


 Because it's total bull shit.  If you want to honor these warriors don't give them a few days kind of (how does that really help veterans?) … stop putting them through bureaucratic hell to avoid taking care of them and that saves a few pennies when it's time to pay them back for giving everything to their country.  


He left us way earlier than he should have because of chemically induced Parkinson’s Disease caused by his military service.  The Covid he caught at the end in spite of all the required vaccines simply sped the process up. Which was already on overdrive due to his body being poisoned while working as a chemical officer for decades & being exposed to agent orange & God only knows what else thrown over the fence while sitting in South Korea in the Demilitarized Zone for a year training to save Olympians. 


Our US military used him & hid the results of his service …  they kept it a secret even though in truth it is a HUGE story (that a retired general no doubt COULD confirm). 


Kind of like the professional Wellington crowd of hunter-jumper horse show land … a large powerful organization of supposed heroes that likes to large scale keep BIG secrets (no matter how much it hurts the little guy … even if they are exceptional & honorable & risking everything to be that person in the face of huge dangerous odds that ultimately save these guys the supposed exceptional’s butts..)  


Not that a terrorist attack from a tiny country like North Korea that publically murdered Olympians & unraveled the 1988 Olympics would be embarrassing to the Global Community (& potentially start a World War).  Or the largest, most powerful country in the world not winning a single medal in the Sport of Kings on its own turf, even with its best riders and wealthiest sponsors scouring the planet & only buying the top already completely proven & made horses that exist..  


NONE of which we've bred, even though we've been breeding & have had a stockpile of the fastest long distance race horses on the globe for the past 100 years … alot of which happen to jump quite well.  Even after they are retired as two to four year olds who have mostly had their minds & bodies completely destroyed by an industry that only cares about money so runs & pounds the hell out of them while they are still infants & their bones are barely set.  That is if the best of them are fortunate enough to outlive the onslaught of drugs & corruption they are subjected to so that say possibly 8 of them at a little event like the Kentucky Derby don’t mysteriously drop dead.  They outta start calling it the Kentucky Killer.


So even the most clueless of non horsey U.S. citizens are horrified & going ‘hey, you are a horse person … what the hell is going on over there with those poor beautiful sweet baby race horses? In an industry of what's appearing to be 'obviously something is really not quite right here?'  & we wonder why the real horseman that actually love the animals over what they can provide us (& STILL kick butt competitively) are large scale driven out?  


It does not paint a pretty picture regarding the most powerful & elite of our supposedly democratic human society.

This is the military cemetary in Sringfrield Illinois.  My Dad was such a wonderfully modest simple man in so many ways (though extremely intelligent and complicated in the internal demons he fought as well) ... he didin't even care about a military funeral.  He just wanted his ashes thrown to the wind somewhere on the farm.  I never had to worry about gifts because a $10 movie DVD or a Dad or horse wherever we happened to travel to Tshirt (he loved the Justify one I bought him after he won the triple crown) and he was happy as a clam.  But my mom and I decided he deserved a little more.  So put we buried a third of his ashes under the tombstone in Springfield (I would have loved to have had him in Arlington with the driving horses funeral but too far); spread a third of them under the tree on the farm where he buried the two first dead but perfectly formed twin foals Vennie produced that just broke his heart (before I fully understood the importance of an early ultrasound) and sent a third of his ashes home to the Colorado mountains with Ben, which my Dad loved skiiing in so much. 

Dad saving the lives of U.S. Equestrian Show Jumping Olympians (and possibly their equally if not more famous horses) … Greg and Gem Twist, Ann and Starman, Joe and MIll Pearl and Lisa and For the Moment


But I digress. So anyway … just for fun I looked up what equestrians I might have known whose ass my regular guy dad … (follow orders & drag your family all over the world wherever & whenever they tell you, collect a decent but not terribly life altering paycheck every two weeks & never take a penny more you haven't earned. Even when there is a bag of millions of terrorist cell cash you just squashed sitting right in front of you in South Korea; who your Marine golfing friend grabbed in his mission and then he basically mysteriously disappeared from military life; or maybe all life in general. & in spite of a stellar mind blowing military career do whatever job it takes to keep the money flowing after retirement; high school science teacher, truck driver, even Viroqua taxi driver making $8 an hour at the end, not willing to give up working til his body got so bad that he ran his old farm truck (because he couldn’t afford to buy a new one) thru a building downtown & HAD to quit driving) … saved.  


The U.S. Olympians who he almost certainly kept from being machine gun mowed down or blown up grenade style (as these same powerful elitists helped to drive his top professional daughter out of the sport by ignoring the obvious George deception towards her that kept him from EVER seeing his families total financial security, & worried about paying the indoor off right up to his death bed).  


Let's see … silver team medals for Greg Best & Gem Twist (back when we use to know how to ride American thoroughbred blood Internationally …those two were worth saving); Ann Kursinski (no comment on the politics because like everyone else in Wellington i don't remember ever hearing her publicly say, 'Hey, George knows who Amy is, 100% guaranteed, because i definitely know who she is even tho I’ve never even met her before.'


 I am sorry for the crap Ann had to endure as a kid from the old boys club child molesters, but we sure rectified that, didn't we? & I do appreciate her bringing Sue K. on board as her long time helper.  Sue who was kind enough to educate me to the fact that we needed to be spending about 4 hours after every Grand Prix on basic spa style maintenance on Cradilo (icing every limb, professional massage & acupuncture, all manner of magical expensive energetic devices, & basically anything one can think of to keep this horse comfy & going just a little while longer), so she was definitely worth saving … 


& oh … this one makes me laugh … Joseph Fargis.  My one long time childhood hero who as it turns out is-was great friends with George & just absolutely loves Amy (NOT) … even though they don't know who I am.  


Joe himself schooled me for about an hour on the importance of keeping full buckets of fresh water in front of your horses every second & about 3 feet of bedding in the stall even with full thick rubber matts (ANY shavings strike me as a luxury in that scenario … my horses are still sleeping better than I am) in Wellington.


After I waltzed in (in 2011) for 24 hours for the Young Horse Series with my two 4 year old Cradilo mares.  & handily beat his student with both of them on her 4 year old with him standing at the in gate. & then he had to watch me do the same thing in the 5 year old Young Jumper Championship Final the following year in Kentucky (destroying some of our very best International riders, one of whom had worked under him for years, effortlessly leading the class for 2 out of 3 days at least).  I saw you standing over there ringside watching us in Lexington … looking ornery. 


The first thing he said to me in Wellington (before he had a chance to make a phone call to George & find out I was at the top of the underline in red list, no doubt) was, 'Who the hell are YOU?!'  


What is this … US army basic training with Joe as a drill sergeant with a hard hat, a crop & a whistle & me as a 12 year pony clubber leaving home with her horsey for the first time?  Talk about a rude awakening to Wellington reality.  


Well … you can't win em all obviously.  Tho I sure tried … I told him I couldn't afford to spend $2000 on bedding for one night of competition with two horses or to keep two grooms guarding the stalls & running to dump & refill water buckets every 20 minutes all night.  (& I was thinking even though I really do believe in the need to stay on top of the water … just ask some of my lax past local Viroqua working students I didn’t hesitate to instantly fire over that exact issue … horses in the wild do go for days on end without water & travel miles to find it when it's sparse). 


I'll tell you what …  I kissed his ass & worked on flattering him via his virtual mentoring of me & my love of Touch of Class (the thoroughbred mare he won the Individual Gold on in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics) more than any other single non-straight (I'm assuming) human man I've ever met.  


Thinking about it now, since you may not still be alive Joe if it wasn't for my Dad … Ron Hunter … you might wanna rethink that attitude towards me.  Especially given recent events with his daughter coaching us to a bronze medal for our sport this past year.  


Sorry, I don’t know Lisa Jacquin at all.  Though I do think I may have seen her at Horse Shows by the Bay one time and maybe saw her on a nice 5 year old young stallion at the Young Horse Series in Wellington.  I’m not 100% sure. It's a name I grew up hearing (along with For the Moment), so you pay attention when you see them at a horse show (especially other than Wellington, where you are inundated by the rich and famous every which way you turn.)   


I wonder if George coached that 1988 team?  Wouldn't that be the ultimate in universal irony?  I don't have time to look it up now … & I don't even want to know really … not yet.  I've seen enough, & I can almost guarantee one of you will tell me at the next show.  


Anyway, who'd of thunk the Old Olympic Boys Club (minus George) would have to consider welcoming Amy & her Cradilo babies back in from Viroqua, Wisconsin after barely seeing a single rated horse show for almost 6 years.  Ah … the Lord (& Niall) sure do work in mysterious ways.  

This is a picture of Dad and Calue, my first hotter than hell little appendix quarter horse I did the jumpers with as a kid (and even did a Fran Dotoli clinic on … I’ll tell you that really funny story some other time.)  I’m sure this picture makes a whole bunch of you cringe … like it sort of does me.  Hey, at least he’s got a mild bit in his mouth.  I guarantee I wasn’t around for this shot. I tried so hard to turn my Dad into a good horseman and rider.  Things got better as we got into getting him a few nice ott thoroughbreds to ride.  Somewhere there is a really great picture of him looking fantastic on his favorite gorgeous thoroughbred mare Abby (nice riding clothes, nicely tacked up in his lovely saddle he inherited from Erik as I was probably the one that tacked her up, with his mom, Grandma Margaret, that I’ll dig out sometime).  There will be facebook posts and pictures every year I’m sure around this time.  Anyway, once I was off to college and California, my Dad loved having free rein of Calue (because he certainly never did when I was around).  My brother loves torturing me with stories of how they all jumped on Calue bareback (without my permission) and galloped him around ruining every drop of the carefully decade long settling and training I eventually had into this horse that basically raised me.  We owned Calue (who Dad bought me at the age of 11 when the horse was 12) until I HAD to put him down at the young age of 34 years old.  The horse broke his back leg on the farm when he was 24 years old I think, shattering his entire pastern, but my amazing Milwaukee vet at the time Dr. Beverly somehow managed to patch him back up to even being pleasure ridable.  This horse saw the best life any animal could ever imagine.  He was 100% a full on beloved member of the family.  So any of you who have tried to push around the idea that I abuse my horses and don’t 100% love them with ALL of my heart, can take a ride on Pink’s love boat in her video I recently facebook posted … the ‘SS F… Y.. !’ And by the way, I’m convinced (along with a few of my more aware family members), that Kalua’s Ace is my first ever horse Calue reincarnated into the amazing gorgeous animal I always wished and dreamed he was as a kid.  My Dad and I spent what felt like 20 minutes (maybe 5-10) pulling Kalua (aka Junior … do you get the barn name now?) out of his tb damn Glory, because he was so big at birth.  I had a rope on one leg and dad had a rope on the other.  We both pulled the entire time with our full weight breaking into a dead sweat, collapsing at the end.  I was SURE the foal or Glory was going to be dead or certainly have both legs broken.  But nope, he just popped up (probably before me and dad could get up) and looked fantastic.  Only an Irish Sport Horse man (a thoroughbred foal would have been broken in half) … and we wonder why I love the breed?  Anyway, I hate to say it but regardless of the talent that horse shows or what he has to go through as a green 14 year old Grand Prix horse with me trying to get back to it, there is no longer enough money on the planet for any of you to ever get your hands on this one (though I may let a few of my more favorite people, hmm, I wonder who would be on the top of that list?, really show me what they’ve got and try to get this monster around his first few big open classes.  Though I bet that idea being publicly displayed gives her mom a mild heart attack.  You didn’t have a clue what you were getting into buying Deluca … did you Brandie?  Don’t worry … neither did.  I was just hoping for soon to be easy instant fame and wealth as a breeder and developer as you and Momma and Hunter sky rocketed to the Olympics … and helping out a super cool kid I really liked and was blown away by didn’t seem to be too bad an idea either.  Though I have to admit after i got the text minutes after I sold her to you from an Ocala trainer that had been watching her all season I had initially quoted a $2million sale price to, asking what my bottom line price was and hoping to hear a little lower number, the sale I had just made to you with a number about 2 digits lower started to seem like it might have been a bad idea, especially for the purpose of my investors watching every move I made.  If only I had known what the next 6 years or so were going to bring.  Yeah, before you go crazy full on psycho kill or destroy the poor innocent horseeman investors, you need to remember NOTHING fast happens in Equestrian Show Jumping.  Hang in there ... because I know a few of my past clients and supporters are starting to wish they did.  Although I'm guesssing those that may own any horse I had anything to do with might be starting to feel pretty good right about now.  
This one is self explanatory.  My Dad and Laura and Ben; and I was probably about 18ish?  Mom was constantly dressing us up and making us take pictures  ... I hated it alot of the time (though I look pretty happy here).  And I still do hate it for the most part ... and now they all like to do it. 

Talking to George & the industry


& by the way, George a-hole sellouts who are supposedly well paid & educated that put hundreds of pages of defamation on the internet on me that devastated & tore apart my family in a way I don't know if we will EVER fully recover & be the same from … if I want to believe my father was a part of a religious rapture that's been happening over the last few years & Covid is a sign & omen of, because i believe we are in a form of a Biblical Revelations style Apocalypse, then that is MY RIGHT. 


 It is called FREEDOM OF RELIGION & is the primary reason this COUNTRY EXISTS; for your elite asses to rape, take advantage of & run its people into the ground for whatever excuse you can find so you can become a little richer & more powerful. 


All you MORONIC IDIOTS did with that slew of documented defamation that leads DIRECTLY back to your boss is hang him, by securing a win for me in a sure to be soon coming lawsuit.  & I don't care what country you are hiding in or what power you think is protecting you George, unless you want to be extradited to U.S. prison (with potentially a few of your far younger but equally famous friends …  you are going to show up, or take the far less painful path out & settle for EVERY PENNY I WANT.) 


 & I'll tell you another thing. I strongly suggest you spend another few hundred thousands of dollars (at least, maybe millions at this point) on me legally, and hire a new team of attorneys.  Because MINE who is paid ridiculously less SO FAR (believe me) is going to wipe the floor with them.  & if I can I'm going to find a way to ruin every one of their reputations (or maybe deport a few of your close financial and marketing advisors, one of whom I suspect use to be my student) for illegally attacking and professionally & personally destroying a good guy average ish poor, again so far, U.S. citizen to keep a (by my grace) free child molesting murderer & his friends in power & wealthy. 


& i'm going to talk to everyone else now … Wellington.  If a SINGLE ONE OF YOU stand in the way of these clinics of mine I'm promoting, which I KNOW will transform the sport in this country (because frankly I was only operating at about 10% as a coach in the world cup finals thanks to all the obstacles you put between me & Hunter, & we still killed it against the best in the world & had em really worried for a minute there) I'm going to just lop you right in with George.  As a matter of fact, you should be hanging flyers up at every horse show you go to (management included), telling all your friends, giving me the thumbs up, and telling them my price is a GREAT DEAL (compared to what most of you have or would ever charge) and the best thing going since sliced bread.  


Because I don't think you really want to be in George’s corner right now.  You guys like to win.  And you are pretty good at spotting a clear winning or losing competition.  Given the way things are going and with what my future probably looks like politically (because I seriously doubt anyone I don't want there, from an ethics or fake buy your way into top horsemanship standpoint, no matter how good they once were or seemed to be, is going to be on ANY INTERNATIONAL TEAMS EVER AGAIN.)  


So if Brandie & Hunter want to pay me a TINY amount (compared to what I MADE SURE they just won, and they possibly made on my mare they sold); because I just transformed their entire world; because they were smart enough to notice a true horseman and a mind blowing horse, & kind enough to take us in, then believe me when I say YOU BETTER FRICKEN LET THEM!  Because if you don’t (even encourage it I would say, like yesterday would be nice) I’M GOING TO FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE and start giving you a tiny little taste of what your kind have been doing to me for decades.  They DO NOT NEED a pile of you giving them hell or even threatening their safety, as I strongly suspect. 


As I said to George … you Wellington are no longer in charge.  You lost that right when you demonstrated your total disregard for honor, your profound capacity for a shocking level of deception regarding the masses, & your complete rampant out of control ego.  USEF is ultimately run by good guys, & they are behind me.  For good reason.  You are going to run the entire sport and industry into the ground, and probably the entire world considering the kind of power you have.  Especially if the tactics I’ve been coming up against are what you are using to run your business … as I also strongly suspect.  


Spirit really doesn't care about who has the most money… you should know that by now.  You didn't create this world … power comes from above.  That's why mine is finally skyrocketing (as I always knew it would because this is what I came to this world to do) … in spite of your collective piles of money. 


If i'm not around


If I’m not around, Hunter & Brandie (& guess who else?) Dennis is in charge.  Dennis, then Brandie, then Hunter is the military style ranking order … though that is a pliable scenario depending on how things go.  We all lived under George for years … you should understand this concept.  


We're going to start bringing Ocala into this loop a little bit.  Because every time it produces something decent you guys just take it as if it's your accomplishment (horses & people).  I know Wellington isn't going anywhere (although don't test my power too much … I better start having some very pleasant experiences with the horse show management or a whole lot of folks could lose some serious money on West Palm area property value) … but you need to share a little bit.  


Ocala is becoming an increasingly nicer & nicer place (I'm told). It's extremely horse friendly, & they deserve a real shot at the International world.  I'm talking about more than one FEI week while you have ALL the rest, more than one or two riders, and the ability to sell expensive horses without driving to & having to deal with Wellington. AND guess what else? … here it comes, an International Olympic Coaching Team.  


Because you guys have had it forever & have made a HUGE mess of things. & I'm not talking about medals (although we haven't been that particularly impressive for a while now).  I'm talking about basic human decency & safety.  If people keep mysteriously dying even MORE than have been lost people are going to start going to prison. I promise you.  & I don't care how much money or fame you have, or how many of you secretly know or get together & decide it is a good idea (literally stabbing your 'friends' in the back in the most brutal & horrific of ways).  


You think you are civilized & sophisticated & classy because of your money & horses & the ability to compete them & be surrounded by beauty & luxury? Those of you committing these acts are primitive beasts. A veneer of pretty doesn't change that basic fact.  You fight so hard to keep it all (while people like me are fine with being in the dark mud for a while) because it hides the truth of who you currently are.  


IT IS NOW OVER …. AS ORDAINED BY A HIGHER POWER other than me.  That should be pretty fricken obvious by now; even to the completely enshrouded in darkness clueless as to what's actually going on in this universe.  You are being given a chance to do the right thing BEFORE you have to face your creator.  & you will face him.  & i'm going to tell you right now you are going to be SHOCKED to discover who some of his top people are sitting right beside him.  Testing, testing … things are not as they may seem … who are you REALLY?

This is my Dad probably just recently retired from running the UW LaCrosse ROTC program (and his military career) fixing up the farm.  This place right now is pretty fricken gorgeous (most of the time when I can keep up with my end) but getting it there was no small task.  I was gone in California for most of it, but my parents and Ben dug in and got the job done.  That’s what good guys do … they work hard and fix things and make them better when they are given the opportunity ... for everyone.

Help … or move


So either be helpful or get the hell out the way (‘Move Bitch’ … as one of my favorite Ludacris songs likes to say).  & don't EVER try to get between Hunter and I again.  I love that kid (obviously, look at what I’ve done.) She's incredible … the real deal … & I'm going to make sure she gets every shot at the VERY top … not the third place status, some of your cluelessness and ego getting in the way, top.  Because she has earned it … & has learned the meaning of the word INTEGRITY.  Try following her lead … it's a good one … as i'm pretty sure she's going to follow mine (& whoever else I pick to help). 


 I'm a horse trainer … do you want the carrot or the 20,000 volt pig taser, because you are a stubborn temporarily insane stallion that doesn't seem to be accepting reality and thinking clearly right now? 


I'm a good trainer.  We can partner & come together & do amazing things … or I'll keep making life really hard for you (& a few others can join George … like you TRULY deserve … not this chance I’m giving you … or spirit really … working through me).  Because we need good partners.  I'm looking for great grand prix horses man … the best in the world.    But you only need to toss me into a few big hard jumps, after years of care & training, before I'm going to find something else.  Performance is the name of the game … which is about strength & ability & TRUST.  Who wants to ride a horse they can't trust?


Pull it together U.S. hunter-jumper industry.  Stop fighting one of the best things that's ever happened to you (the Hunters).  I'm going to prove it … there are going to be a lot more than words moving around and competing in my world soon.  & if I can't still somewhat continuously impress you, you can get rid of my ass as a leader & find someone better.  And I’ll gracefully bow out (without blowing up the entire sport and industry).    


Even without the money sitting in the bank (yet) & the blackballed disappearance, I am still one of you as an American horseman.  Get over the loss of George. In spite of the horror of his & his crew's obnoxious EVIL behavior … he's sitting somewhere comfortably I’m sure. I'm not going to take ALL of his money.  I know I'm a protege of his on some level as a show jumping trainer and rider … I guess I can painfully admit that.  But he's had his time … too much of it.  & what he did to me & a pile of others was brutally viciously wrong.  & he is NOT going to FULLY get away with it. 


Because we (the U.S.) are NOT a kingdom or a monarchy.  We fought to remove ourselves from the tyranny of elitist royalty.  We are the HARD EARNED USE TO BE WORTHY LEADERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC WORLD … which is without a doubt the most enlightened, fairest style of government that exists.  Everything else is comfortable (or uncomfortable) slavery.  We are NOT (supposed to be) a primitive ego controlled third world country that thugs around with machine guns & mows down and steals what it wants from the innocent.  


Anyway, back to horses.  Can we please get some good American breds (other than my handful) going here?  I know we need the European horses (Cradilo, Pepita) but can we work towards getting a little something of our own back? Support these U.S. breeders & our own horseman just a tiny bit more.  Some of you top riders spend the time to develop them.  Babies need good riders too (in that way Shane …you are OK:)  


& let me help.  It's called clinics.  I'm telling you man …there is no luck happening here. I know exactly how to do it & many of you are still screwing it up … in spite of my & Lisa & Shane’s lead (& there are probably a few others … oh yeah … Alex's young jumper comeback was pretty impressive; Colt USA I think it is … I can’t remember his name right now, the other Grand Prix rider that starts babies but he wrote a book … that’s ambitious … although I haven’t had the time or money to buy or read it.  I think I’m doing pretty well on my own though … sorry.  The Kudmores of course … although statistically you guys need to improve on producing Grand Prix horses last time I checked; and I’ve heard some scary stories about some of your management practices regarding the home farm and your babies (no offense … I do love Karen and Southern Pride and I should probably stick her on my list of trainers, if she doesn’t mind, under credentials … even though it was only one or two light schools).    


Anyway, EVERY pro needs to stop messing up these beautiful babies we keep getting our hands on.  Put your ego aside & learn to do it right.  Competing on made & developing equine talent are two completely different skills.  We ALL need to be able to do both (at least try if you are under the age of 40).  




OK… I think I'm done for a while. You guys can all take a breath (the ones who aren’t looking probably yet again at what it would cost to get a hitman into a remote farm in Viroqua, WI. Maybe the next time will work out.  I mean how many assassination attempts on Amy is God really willing to stop?  We’ve gotten away with so many. NONE IS HOW MANY WILL WORK.    And a few years of prison might not really be that bad.  IT IS … TRUST MY PAST EXPERIENCE WITH WORKING IN ONE, & THINK ABOUT IT.  Surely we could find SOME fall guy other than George … he’s not going to be around that much longer.  


Anyway, I'm exhausted from these last couple of blogs.  I need to go feed some horses (clean their well straw bedded stalls, I promise, dump & fill some water buckets I pray aren’t empty) & ride em (in between grooming, shoeing, dragging rings & setting jumps, oh yeah, & working my other part time job occasionally so we can all stay fed). 


 So that one of you can win our first U.S. bred International medal in forever on a few of them someday soon here.  God knows I'm not going to be doing it for a while (if ever.)


It's gotten kind of xtra hard thanks to an attack that finally reached right into my backyard with people who I thought were loyal to the death to me; so that the very idea of a working student or two makes me break into a cold sweat.  Hopefully I can sell a future world beater & industry game changer for more than 5 cents (so u guys can make a 100,000 percent return & I can stay stuck in financial disaster with a loss of millions of every penny I ever made or could get out of any one else in the genuine belief in & hopes of a real future business over the past few decades).  That sounds fun.  


Maybe I'll just forget this whole idea, keep my head in the sand, keep trail riding them & hang on to them as pets (until the defamation lawsuit with George finalizes at least).  Then i'll probably just go buy a Caribbean island with lots of nice green pasture, a hammock with a view of the sea & a private horse friendly jet.  I could drag Mom along & perhaps that'll make her happy (because the island will be small enough that we won't need fencing or to mow or weed wack as the horses eat it all.)  


 I don't think Dad would fully approve of that path though … (he was a pretty intense powerful leader & go-getter for 99% of his life) … but oh yeah … that IS the ENTIRE POINT of this Fathers Day blog. 


 I can tell you one thing FOR SURE … I'm not the only one that owes him a 'thanks Dad' for ALWAYS being there (even when we were locking horns; he could be an ornery character). Because in spite of it all I sure do love & miss you in my life EVERY DAY.  


So Happy Father's Day Dad … I hope you are FINALLY getting to see a glimmer of the hope of success we had always dreamed of for our family through the horses we had so much fun with together (most of the time, when we weren’t working our butts off and spending everything to take care of them) and I hope/know you & Niall & Nancy & Stephen are having a fantastic ride on all of the so very many beautiful and talented horses we put in the ground on this farm over the decades.  

Dad happy on the farm picking apples.  He sure loved this place.  He finally had some peace.  And below is him and his still living brothers (Uncle Gary has passed away and I suppose he and Dad are probably playing golf together) in their final time together a few months before his passing (Uncle BJ, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Mike).  Uncle Mike said he wanted to see Dad before things got too bad so his final memory of him could be them having a beer at the farmhouse kitchen table together (any of you who have been to Ledges lately while I was there have seen and possibly even met Uncle Mike and Aunt Val.  As far as family and horse shows go, they are definitely some of my still living biggest fans.  And you got your wish, didn’t you Uncle Mike:)

June 2023 Blog ...
'A Short Happyish Story Time Blog (I promise) on Acknowledging the Lineage of Horsemanship, the Ethics of Sportsmanship and the Midstates Horse Show'


After Niall Grimes, the top Irish trainer who first genuinely 'saw' (Avatar style) & encouraged Cradilo & I in 2006, died of a 'heart attack' in October at the age of 31 in peak athletic physical condition at a horse show in Lexington, Kentucky practically right under my nose (in 2007, the first year of our-my real grand prix career) … I was lost.   Because he definitely represented that which was our potentially hopeful and helpful future … on multiple levels.  

From a rider’s perspective things were pretty bad for Niall that year (his business however, as far as I could tell, was doing fantastically & absolutely on fire.)  He was planning to meet us at Trader's that summer (a big show in Indianapolis) but instead had a brutal accident in a Grand Prix jump off in Lexington in the Spring & severely messed up his knee & basically lost his top horse Mr. President (as he later told me they were both hauled out of the ring in an ambulance.)  

Fortunately, I met Dennis at Traders & he gracefully came to our rescue at that show ... & helped us to make a very impressive one dumb nervous rookie rider rail debut in a big grand prix with all the top riders & a few of my long time favorites in it.  Beezie & Margie & a young up and coming Charlie were in it; Chris & David & other notable names I might keep remembering & adding.  Most of which many of you will recognize. Just think of international medals and that should cover at least half of them, except maybe mine until a few months ago.  Kent was there a lot … tho I can't remember on that year, but probably … maybe Andre. 


You get the idea … it ran a tad competitive for a 37 year old first real time rookie grand prix rider on an irish draught stallion in his first 6 months of EVER seeing ANY rated hunter- jumper show.  (But according to a rumor that’s been going around for years George has no idea of who my horses and I are.  Yeah … that's totally viable to ANYONE with even half a clue ... just on that performance ALONE.)

And we were just out of the ribbons in 13th place.


BUT just prior, when Niall knew he wasn't going to be there (with me freaking out slightly ... if I had known who was actually going to be in that class I probably would have had a heart attack myself and all of George's problems would have been gone), he had recommended I ride with his good friend Scott Lenkart.  And please don't be insulted by that joke.  Niall is with me everyday ... he never stopped being my trainer ... or none of this would have happened.  Believe me. Well anyway, after Niall’s passing Dennis was not in my area but Scott sure was. 

He was on one of those rare really impressive winning streaks you occasionally see at the National Grand Prix level (though I've noticed they get to the almost never status the bigger & harder the Prixs get).  So for a while there I clung to Scott as the trainer on the ground at every horse show we were at together; a little like a baby clings to her blanket when you take her out of the crib for the first time.

Scott was the trainer who truly impressed upon me the importance & value of the deep distance with a horse like Cradilo RID. It was a rare warm up with Scott standing at the jump that I didn’t hear the repeated resoundingly belted single word 'deeper!' … galloping up to almost every big fence on my (ok our) beautiful 17.1 hand 1500 pound monster of an Irish Draught stallion.  

The same way I never took a lesson from Niall that didn't involve the increasingly toying command 'eyes up Amy!' in that gorgeous Irish accent at least 5 times (both of which have stayed with me, & Niall's phrase of which has taken on a whole new meaning since he's left).  

I then SAW the legacy of Scott & Cradilo (and the deep distance), gently offered repeatedly as an option by me (over the years to Brandie and Hunter, first with Momma and then Pepita), clearly being used & working extremely well in Hunter’s final World Cup ride this past April.  We horseman are propelled forward under a lineage of trainers & horses.  We carry a pedigree of learning, the same way our horses carry a pedigree of DNA, from person to person & horse to horse.  

The point is I definitely attribute my current somewhat enlightened state to a large & vast group of trainers & horses from all corners & over many, many decades & years, along with the very unique to the Grand Prix level of my sport path I’ve been on.  All of which sort of came to a climax as Cradilo & I were working to become somewhat solid in the Grand Prix ring (& not an anomaly in a don’t blink or you might miss it kind of presence, which was the most likely scenario).  Because I can tell you getting that stallion & I somewhat consistent at that level was no small or easy task.  It was at times painful, humiliating (good for keeping the old ego in check, which some of you men in particular who disappear after one unpleasant ride with a big audience should take note of) … & it took a village.  

So when I say the best of American horsemanship is yet to be seen (& own a motto of ‘Soulfully Producing the best of the American-Irish’), I'm not just talking about me.  Though I may in truth be one of the current most full collective libraries walking around (out of the pure absolute necessity of gathering information and putting it to the test over the years) not spending every spare moment in the Grand Prix ring.  It's hard to tell … because many of the top grand prix riders would rather ride than teach or coach I’ve noticed (and they have full on earned that option some of us haven't had the success or opportunity/luxury to yet enjoy:). 



I've always acknowledged the trainers that have helped me to learn anything of value.  Even the ones that have deceptively worked hard at ruining my career & almost every good relationship I’ve ever had, including the business I’ve refused to sell out on (but that has cost me everything else) & thus pretty much ruining my overall life.  It almost certainly would have been kinder to have just put me down in many ways (though who knows how many times they've tried; I’ve been pretty hard to get to in recent years & I have a lot of guardian angels). 

But I STILL leave their names on my website under Amy Hunter, credentials, as trainers I’ve ridden under (a page I have updated a little but that I need to keep working on).  Why?  As an example to my students of how important it is to acknowledge the skill & help that basically saves your butt in this sport … because NO ONE gets to the highest level on their own. & that ethical sportsmanship like honorable acknowledgement is not about ego … it's about the truth.  That light that ultimately saves all of us. 

Nothing makes me feel prouder than a student/protégé having the courage to behave honorably (even prouder than a medal for her country in a world championship on home turf).  Even if the most important & powerful people in her life are making a legitimate case to her as to why it’s risky on multiple levels, & a bad professional strategy (though obviously that’s a case I strongly disagree with).  Though I must admit I suspect she has a few almost equally powerful Amy blog admirers in her ear as well (thank God).  

And they are STILL trying to keep one of the biggest stories of the year (kind of paramount to winning our only international medal in 2023) under wraps … these guys continuingly working really hard to keep an even bigger story buried I suppose.  Hmmm … It seems like there might be some powerful, kind of scary force at play here, doesn't it?  

I wonder how much has been paid out (under the guise of interesting sponsorships & creative advertising) to make all this happen?  George, you might as well just settle with me … because I foresee you and your crew trying to keep all this under wraps becoming possibly very never endingly expensive.  Damn that blog … how much would it cost to blow up all access to the public internet by anyone who is not at least at 100 millionaire status and on the right list of names?  ANYWHO … 

So in her own way Hunter has taken that hard path that goes against the current stream & forges coal into diamonds (& crushes the fake fool’s gold into dust, as I've seen happen so many times with students who dream of greatness but crumble under real pressure & the lure of greed).  That path that will create the new leaders that save our world … & are actually WORTHY of being followed (there’s a novel concept).  

Not because of money or fame … but because of heart tempered by integrity.  That is true greatness.  & that is what our horses & the pursuit of excellence on them is here to teach us; by minimizing our ego, & maximizing our strength & the desire to actually care about & partner with something other than ourselves; another God created species.  


This is the video of Cradilo and I in that first Trader’s Grand Prix in 2007.  I remember Dennis having a small meltdown because I was trying to count and ride 12 strides to the last jump & slightly missing after a beautiful & shocking grand prix ride.  Because that's how confident I was in my ability to find a decent distance off my eye at that time (& clueless as to how bad an idea that was). 

That's how I knew Dennis Mitchell was a real horse trainer.  I just met this man & had the best ride of my life my first time in the real 1.50m grand prix ring on a rookie 14 year old disabled retired breeding stallion that no one believed could do it 6 months ago (as we were plopping around 1.20m at the Ledges winter indoor) riding against folks I've been admiring from afar forever; & he's already annoyed that I didn't help my horse enough. This is definitely someone that's going to bring out the try harder & as Dennis likes to say 'ride better' aspect of my performance.  

 Oops ... sorry guys ... it turns out this video is not on youtube but is on an actrual tape (yeah, we are talking about 2007).  I'll dig it out eventually and put it here, but it's going to take little time.  At least you still have the narative ... so we can create a little anticipation!:)

This is Cradilo and I in a Grand Prix at Traverse City, Michigan in 2008 with Scott schooling us (there he is in white by the in gate).  

I really liked this show back when the Reinheimers were running it & it was Horse Shows by the Bay … & Traverse City truly IS amazing.  Hopefully new management hasn't done to this show what they did to Trader's.   Because I went from loving that event to … eanh … not so much enjoying it anymore.  We'll see I guess … :)

When I listen to this song I put to this class (one of our typical one rail early rides, but one which was quite pretty) I realize at this point I was sort of like Frodo the hobbit leaving the Shire for the first time.  With NO IDEA of the dark eye that was watching me & the powerful ghost like forces he commanded (which had already started to be unleashed, whether I knew it or not).  

& here's the song that I hope represents me and Cradilo's kid's now …

Anyway, the Midstates (Mason City, Iowa) Horse Show was definitely a part of making that learning experience really fun (probably a little too much fun for what were supposed to be respectable athletes some years) … & made the whole adventure at times somewhat affordable (if we were in the top money at least ). 

That show happening now and wrapping up as I’m writing this blog (without me seeing red towards the entire sport) is I'm guessing why I'm feeling nostalgic.  What goes around sure does come back around (as the dust & outcome of the past war starts to settle).  
So yep, if all goes as planned, I'll see you guys at the Midstates Horse Show this September … fingers crossed riding in the Grand Prix rather than spectating (which is why I wasn't particularly motivated or even close to ready on any level to being there this week).  

But I’ve even firmed it up (& a few other things) on my schedule for the fall at least … though I hope I don’t regret that move.  So good luck today guys in the prix that's hopefully happening.  Even if I’m not there YET my thoughts are with you … :)

May 2023 Blog ...
'Conspiracy theories online on Amy Hunter (that's me folks)
Another ‘common horse sense venture’ into Reality with a capital ‘R’ … i.e. the ACTUAL TRUTH (if you are interested)’

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

New Year's Blog (February 2024); The Lion, The Lamb and a Horse of a Different Color

(Lexington Baby!, althought she's making me work for it)  ...
on Ace Blog Mobil

So, once again my family has been kind enough to gently (yeah, right) alert me to yet another epidemic of lies sprouting up on the internet regarding me and conspiracy theories.  And while I’m trying to take this seriously (because what I’m told is as many as 100s of pages of an online document that sounds like it’s written by a bunch of well paid investigators and legal types and commentators with nothing better to do must be honest, because we all know they NEVER lie or deceive or twist the truth for money; hello, do you live on planet earth?) I’m laughing as I write this.  Because what I’m seeing is probably about five people in a room, one or two of whom I could guess, creating a bunch of aliases and fooling you guys yet again into believing this crap.  


Because if your brain is occupied by the remotest level of common sense and intelligence these guys just completely hung themselves in regards to me and a potential defamation case.  In other words, you just clearly documented your never ending slander which started with yep, George Morris, an Olympic coach billionaire who I’ve met multiple times, cliniced under and rode under his assistant for months in multiple locations (and was the catalyst to permanently removing from the sport). Which there are a pile of witnesses to (granted, they are a little scared with what has been good cause) so you guys just made me (and anyone who is brave enough to come forward with the truth) disgustingly filthy rich.  Thank you.  


Lets start with this.  I’ve have never been arrested and have no criminal record.  Period.  I’ve had some speeding tickets (the transition from California where folks regularly commute to work at 80 to 100 mph to Wisconsin’s firm 25mph to 55mph max has been a tough one).  Especially when you’ve been a pro of 40 years in a sport that pays you the faster you go on one horse power.  


I worked as a correctional officer in a the Vernon County Sheriff's Department for close to three years.  Historically speaking, I book people in … I don’t get booked in.  So if you plan on coming after me criminally based on a blog and facebook good luck.  I probably know the law close to as well the lawyers George has hired.  You can not establish ‘threat’ or ‘intent to do harm’ unless it’s based on lies.  If people are putting information out there that is true, thanks to this thing we have called freedom of speech, you have no criminal case.  Especially with a 53 year old woman as squeaky clean as I am, with a professional record in law enforcement.  So good luck with that one.  

Secondly, I have never been admitted psychiatrically anywhere.  I haven’t seen a psychiatrist for decades because frankly I’m well adjusted enough in spite of all of this that I can survive without them (unlike about half of modern civilization which is why these guys are so busy).  You will not find a doctor who has seen me with any regularity who is going to testify to me being insane or whatever else you want to call me, again based on a blog or facebook.  You could possibly hire a sell out from the outside but I actually completely trust my current medical physician, who is well aware of who I am and the stress I have been under since bad guys have escalated their personal attacks the closer I come to proving success in the sport beyond any argument (with my horses and students).  I’m pretty sure Doctor ? is one of those rare non-bribable types … so again … good luck.  Although I have occasionally partaken in legal anti depressants and an alcoholic shot or two (I’ll admit while I hate beer I do like fireballs) I am the single most non addictive person I know.  It’s the squeaky clean thing again … I am addicted to my horses and the sport I love that I have raised them for.  That is it.  


Now, my family, being completely stressed out by the fact that you are shining a bright light on them and I’m not all that happy (to put it mildly) with some of them right now; is another story.  Because many can’t see the obvious truth of this weird guerilla warfare type situation I have been repeatedly subjected to, and I would say are ego-embarrassed by my struggle and unwillingness to sell out, and a refusal to give up on the truth I know.  And while as I have more than publicly alluded to my family on the whole has not at times been particularly supportive (they would rather be competitive and controlling, and that is putting it very generously); but that does not again, constitute me being medically insane.  Again, you would probably have to include about half of the country if this is your standard for sanity.  It constitutes my very ‘normal’ family having a hard (and not very graceful) time giving by far the kindest and biggest hearted person in the group the benefit of the doubt and wrapping their mind around a very not normal situation.  

Let’s just dive into the common sense part.  Why in God’s name would a blog written by a poor starving artist horse trainer that lives in Viroqua, Wisconsin require this many pages of detailed educated sounding defamation online?  There is only one reason expensive investigators and attorneys are hired to completely publicly (and legitimately sounding) destroy a reputation.  Come on guys … we’ve all seen the movies.  Because all of my whistle blowing has been true (and probably a whole lot more I am NOT YET aware of).  

Ridiculously wealthy and famous bad guys are like kings in our world.  They solve problems by having them removed.  They murder innocence.   They’ve been doing it for thousands of years … can we say ‘Jesus’ … that guy so many of you like to worship but you don’t seem to recognize similar murder’s of innocence happening right here and now?   The only question is, are you going to let them get away with it because it makes your life easier?  Well, I can tell you my answer.  It is no.  Which is why I am in this situation.  But it is also the reason my life is about to take a major shift towards awesomeness … better than any life I’ve been dreaming of and imagining (and working hard for) for many years.  

Now, let’s talk about recent events.  I just helped a 25 year old win a bronze medal in an international world cup final.  I was the real though hidden coach on the ground.  Every time she listened to me, her mare jumped clean.  Every time she listened to the men on the ground, they had rails.  It’s about as clear cut and simple as it can get.  Horses are WONDERFUL because they always simplify the truth.  This person is the real deal and of the truth, and these guys are fakes.  Does the coach do the work?  No.  Does a good coach make all the difference … absolutely.  It’s the reason NFL coaches make as much or more money than their players.  USEF knows it, Hunter and Brandie know it, anyone with a real clue to top show jumping knows it, and most importantly, Pepita Con Spita (Hunter’s horse) knows it.  

Do I want to get these guys suspended?  Absolutely not.  Will I?  If I have to … definitely.  Why?  Because we live in America.  When you sacrifice to help people makes hundreds of thousands of dollars and become hugely famous based on your professional knowledge earned over four decades you get paid.  If I don’t get paid the ridiculously small amount I’ve asked for USEF will suspend them.  Why?  Because they broke a contract (based on a sale of what could have been a very expensive horse) and it’s obvious I was the missing key ingredient to us winning a bronze medal in a world cup championship.  

Now I’m going to talk to George and crew.  If you want to call me crazy for talking to directly to them that is your prerogative, but considering they are investigating and posting this huge conspiracy theory blog on me (which I will never read because I will not feed into YOUR insanity and a really BAD PLAY for someone who is clearly getting desperate) I KNOW they are going to be reading this.  I know you are getting desperate because you are going after weak points … a family that has no real professional understanding of the sport or industry.  Kind of like the local society I live in that you have been taking advantage of.  But that is changing.  People are catching on.  

YOU HAVE LOST THE WAR WITH ME.  IT IS OVER.  Stop being thickheaded and concede.  OR I WILL PUT YOU AND SEVERAL OF YOUR FRIENDS IN JAIL.  You sitting in jail will not bring my two trainers back.  It may get me taken out as well.  Because I know the only reason I’m still breathing is because I have not yet put you away.  But if you are going to do everything in your power to keep me unrecognized and poor in spite of continuing to prove I am one of the best at what I do (definitely the least paid and recognized), I don’t have a problem with leaving the world early.  We all have to go eventually.  And I have some really cool friends waiting right on the other side.  So I’m honestly not too worried about it.  But you are. I’m too well known at this stage for you to take me out without going to jail.  So we appear to be at a stalemate.  Which of course is what you want, because if things keep moving forward as they are you are in some serious trouble.  

Well I have bad news for you …  I have already beat you … regardless of the made up offensive case to a suit that hasn’t even been filed yet you just published.  USEF knows the truth with Hunter … which means the industry will soon know, and USEF knows the truth regarding you.  

If Pepita could talk she would say hey Hunter, lets make sure Amy is always in our corner.  Pay her because she deserves it, and not paying her is not worth the alternative, and lets see if we can pick up a few more medals (higher than third).  Pepita would also tell you George and all of his friends are pretty much useless … because they’ve been buying totally easy, made, tailored to them horses their entire life.  But the three of us (four if you include Brandie); we are only going to get better.  We are only going to prove the reality of who I and we have been the entire time without any doubt; because Hunter (and Brandie) have not been on the path she has been on to lose.   Anything other than the top three will painfully, quickly in this sport, regulates you to ‘no one cares’ status.  She wants to win.  Simple … I love it.   It is the reason I do still love the sport.  Despite the bull s—t, at the end of the day at it’s very core it is designed to be fair.  

You were permanently suspended.  Your rider, your guy, just got his butt handed to him internationally by a 25 year old!  And by me … and that was thrown together at the last minute.  Your illegal attack last fall was my motivation.  Every time you come after me I come back stronger and beat you.  Being poor is not a crime.  Bankruptcy, foreclosure, having your electric shut off … none of that is a crime.  Or a large percentage of this country would currently be in jail.  Especially not when you have been under attack for decades on end by serious, scary, powerful bad guys.  But it’s not fun, and I am currently over it.  So I am going to end this stalemate right now.  You are no longer in charge.  

You are going to remove the conspiracy theory blog immediately (the only person that ever talks about my family online is me), or by  this week the FBI will have a full account of what my professional investigative journalism law enforcement engineering rock solid intelligent mind KNOWS (and many intelligent folks suspect) to be the truth of two murders initiated by you.  I will create such an HUGE media storm (I have not even tried and look what I have accomplished) that they will HAVE to conduct a legitimate investigation.  You will not be able to buy and bribe enough of them off … especially with the current good guy (as opposed to your last friend) we have sitting in the white house.   Their sophisticated forensics will put you and your friends away.  You are a multiple accounts child molester … a federal felony … removed and permanently suspended after 50 years of running a sport.  Why are you not in a US prison?  Why has your money not been confiscated?  These are excellent questions some media would certainly consider if properly motivated.  

I am filing a defamation law suit against you.  I am taking half of your worth (and we are going to track down every penny to see where it has mysteriously disappeared to, so you can stop hiding money, which just makes your guilt obvious).  A large portion of that money is going to Niall’s family.  (And I know you guys are pissed and dreaming of revenge but it won’t bring Niall back.  Let George be and let’s just take his money … he’ll be gone and facing the real music soon enough).  I will also share the waiting bounty with whatever attorneys and witnesses want to come forward to help me in the pursuit (and hey, good guy attorneys, now would be the time to print off and document however many pages of defamation and their hidden writers we need to track down that are currently on the internet, but I would bet real money will soon be suddenly and mysteriously removed).  

You are going to settle.  Because if you don’t and the truth comes out in court via witness after witness and apparent obvious truth after apparent obvious truth, once again, you (and your accomplices) are going to prison.  Not a fun place for a 90 year old rich murdering child molesting male and his wealthy spoiled friends.  You can’t hire enough attorneys and bribe enough witnesses to bury so obvious a truth.  I am one of the best at what I do. I knew you were a fraud 30 years ago, and yeah, I didn’t want to ride with you.  Sorry that your ego couldn’t handle that fact and sorry I didn’t nip you in the bud back then (which in retrospect I realize I could have).  That is a mistake I am now going to rectify.  

OK, so what is the morale of THIS story from Coach Amy kiddies?  At the end of the day the GOOD GUYS ALWAYS WIN.  Just ask Marvel Comics.  They know that truth.  Even when things look hopeless.  Desperate, sad, miserable … really really really hard.  Why?  Because God is good.  Because this world was not created and is not sustained by bad guys … by ego … by darkness.  They are not the real power … even though in many ways it seems they have most of the resources (i.e. money).  We good guys need to change that.  Take their money and you will begin to see them for the leaching fake shadow people they actually are.  They are viruses … they feed on us.  We good guy creators have the power.  

You do not have to legitimize bad guys by buying into their threats.  If I can beat George Morris (and regardless of how things look, trust me, I already have) you can beat whatever bad guy I know is working on you right now (either in your head sitting on your shoulder with little horns and a tail, or directly in your life).   Because that is why we are here.  To be challenged, to find the truth, to become stronger, and to overcome, in spite of the darkness.  

I know many of you aren’t sure how this story of mine is going to end.  You are worried (especially if you are a member of my close family or friends).  But I’ve got good news for you guys … IT IS FINISHED.  Now just sit back and watch as the power of that which I SERVE, that which has breathed life into EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US, plows through the darkness we have all given too much credit to, and makes the truth 100% apparent, undeniable and obvious. 

Unfortunately, that’s how you guys need it and or like it though … fully manifest and requiring zero faith … as clear as the nose on your face.  That’s when you FINALLY kind of believe.  But remember, the morale of this story, is that somebody or some small group of supporters has to believe and act accordingly BEFORE it is manifest.   That is how you WIN … you dig up, hold to and claim the truth even when it’s unseen, unknown and buried in lies.  Even when you are laying in a ditch covered in mud with the whole world starring down at you; with some of the closest souls in your life you’ve been there repeatedly for, putting their boot on your head and shoving you a little deeper in, ultimately working to finish the job under the guise of ‘I’m the normal productive one.’   No, you are just the sad one.  

You shine a bright light … you be the bright light … and everything else (in a little time) just fades away.  And if you want my honest opinion as to how to make that job a bit easier … go get yourself a horse (though I will warn you right now while they are 100% honest; they are quite dirty, training them is brutally hard on the human ego, and unless you can hire a small army they are a whole lot of work!:) 




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